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Q: Do sulfur and magnesium both have two valence electrons?
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Are valence electrons paired or unpaired?

They can be both. In sodium there is a single unpaired valence electron. In magnesium there are two valence electrons and they are paired.

How is selenium similar to sulfur?

yes, an oxygen atom have the same number of valence electrons as a selenium atom.

What is different in number of shells in magnesium and sulphur?

There are no difference in the number of shells in magnesium and sulphur. Both elements contain 3 shells. However, the total number of electrons in the shells are different. Magnesium has 12 electrons in its shells whereas sulphur has 16 electrons in its shell. In addition, the electrons in the valence shell (outermost shell) are also different. Magnesium has 2 electrons in its valence shell whereas sulphur has 6 electrons in its valence shell.

How many valence electrons does a sulfur atom have?

Both have six valance electrons. That is what the number at the top of their column means.

Is selenium similar to sulfur?

They are both in the same colum as Oxygen and that means they have the same Valence electrons of 6 meaning they need 2 more Valence electrons or 2-

Why are sulfur and oxygen in the same column on the periodic table?

Sulfur and Oxygen are in the same group, or column, because they both have the same number of valence electrons, which is six.

Is MgCl2 Ionic or compound?

Ionic because in a dot diagram Magnesium has 2 valence electrons and chlorine has 7 valence electrons. With 2 chlorine atoms there are two spots for electrons to jump over because each chlorine atom has room for one more electron and so both of magnesium's valence electrons would jump over to either chlorine. I hope this helped!

What pair what has the same number of valence electrons magnesium and potassium lithium and calcium argon and xenon phosphorus and tellurium?

Argon and Xenon have the same number of valence electrons, both are noble gases (group 18 that have 8 electrons).

How are Magnesium atomic number 12 and Calcium atomic number 20 similar?

Both have two valence electrons had hence similar properties.

What is most similar to calcium K Sc Mg Na?

Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are similar as both of them have two valence electrons.

Does helium atom has the same number of electrons in its outer shell as in magnesium atom?

yes, both helium and magnesium have 2 valence electrons. the difference is that in helium, the 2 electrons make up an entire electron level. In Magnesium, they only make up the s orbital, or 1st electron sub-level.

Does a sulfide ion have a bigger radius than a sulfur atom?

The nuclear charge is the same for both species, but the eight valence electrons in the sulfide ion experience a greater amount of electron-electron repulsion than do the six valence electrons in the neutral sulfur atom. This extra repulsion in the sulfide ion increases the average distance between the valence electrons, so the electron cloud around the sulfide ion has the greater radius.