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Q: Do syncretist cults encourage people to embrace hedonism?
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The philosophy that believed pleasure was the greatest aim in life was called what?

It was called Hedonism, and people practicing it believed that personal pleasure was the epitome of goals and should be sought continuously, regardless of the effect it could have on others. Hedonism precluded the practice of altruism.

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Scientific rationalism encourage people to look at thing logicaly.

What is an example of hedonism?

Hedonism is the belief that people should do whatever makes them happy and nothing else - a good example would be someone who doesn't like doing homework, so they go on the internet and try to get somebody else to write their paragraph while they go play video games and chat with their friends.

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No, False.

What sort people practice Christianity?

Any and all who wish to embrace it.

Why pursue any path other than hedonism if the end is the same for all no matter what?

If the end is the same for all, then people may wish to pursue a path other than Hedonism. If the end is not the same for all, then it would be foolish to pursue the path of Hedonism. But it is a big if. Since many believe God has spoken and acted in history and that there is a judgment and that there is a hell and that it is seriously a place where no person would wish to go and that there is no escape, except through believing in Jesus Christ.

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Yes she is she tells people to embrace who they are and follow their dreams

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people's minds

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Who taught people should seek out pleasure and try to avoid pain?

The philosophy of hedonism taught that people should seek pleasure and avoid pain. This idea was popularized by philosophers such as Epicurus and later by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill in utilitarianism. Hedonism suggests that maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain is the ultimate goal in life.