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Q: Do teenagers sweat more than adults?
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Why do teenagers sweat when they sleep?

Teenagers sweat more than normal, not just when they sleep. This is because about 3 million sweat glands become active during puberty.

Who has more bones adults teenagers or babies?

As I know I think babies have less bone in their skull than adults.

Why do teenagers need more sleep than adults?

because they are physically maturing and need more sleep.

Why do teenagers need more calories than kids or adults?

teenagers need more calories then kids or adults because they are constantly active most of the time. they are also going through puburty which involves alot of energy.

Do teens have better driving skills than adults?

No. Teenagers are more easily distracted than adults, and have more car accidents because of this. More than 35% of teen wrecks are because they were distracted by cellphones, loud music, conversation, or just inattention! The rest of the accidents are from driving too fast and not driving in a safe manner.There is a very good reason why auto insurance for teenagers is so much more expensive than it is for adults!

Why teenagers eat more than adults?

Because their natural metabolism is higher, and also they have more cells dying and regenerating (Due to growth). Also, they get a lot more physical activity than adults, reulting in greater appetites

Is Twilight the most loved series in England?

It's impossible to measure that. It's doubtful though considering Twilight is mainly aimed at teenagers and there are more adults than teenagers.

Do teenagers lose weight faster than adults?

Yes, because their metabolisms are much faster than adults' metabolisms. They also have more free time on their hands to exercise, whereas most adults do not due to things such as jobs and kids.

What teenagers do more than adults?

Text/phone Sleep Look in the mirror Watch tv Internet Video Games Shop

Is it true that teenagers eat more than adults?

It depends on how heavy or skinny a person is or how much they weigh. Not just that it also has to do with the fact Teenagers are going through growth spurts more often and thus the body wants more food.

WHO does the cell phone effect?

Well i say that cell phones effect mostly teenagers even though i am one i still think that cell phones effect teenagers more than they do adults.

Do adults have a greater risk of becoming an alcoholic than teenagers?

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