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Catholic AnswerThe Catholics have a very special Bible, it is the Book that was written by God, through His Church, which the Church has zealously guarded for nearly two thousand years. The official Bible of the Church is called the New Vulgate, it is in Latin. The translation used in the English speaking world is usually the New American Bible, although it is being re-translated as I type this (summer 2012) to bring it in line with the current translation principles AND with the Vulgate. Catholics, however, may use any approved translation for personal study and reading.
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Roman Catholic AnswerA different Bible? The Catholic Church wrote the New Testament, and approved the Old Testament that Jesus used. The Church uses The Bible that Jesus used (the Old Testament - the Septuagint), and the New Testament that her sons wrote in the first century. The only different Bibles are those of heretical and scismatic sects such as the protestants who threw out the Old Testament books they did not agree with, and the Mormons who added additional "scirptures" to the divinely revealed Scriptures. So, in the later two cases you could say that the Church uses a different Bible; as the Catholics are using the original Bible, the different Bibles are those that have been mutilated by heretical sects.
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