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Yes moles have eyes although they are typically covered or very small. Scientists believe moles can tell the difference between night and day but are otherwise blind.

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Q: Do the animal the moles have eyes?
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What type of animal is a mole?

Moles are members of the mammal family, closely related to shrews. Most moles burrow but some species are aquatic or semi-aquatic. Moles are covered in fur, with small eyes and its ears are usually not visible. Moles are found in North America, Europe, and Asia, although they are not found in Ireland.

Why don't moles need eyes?

because moles have very good sense on there noses

Do Italian moles have eyes?

Yes, Italian moles have eyes, but they are very small and covered with fur to protect them while burrowing underground. Their eyesight is typically poor, as they rely more on their other senses like touch and smell to navigate their dark underground tunnels.

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No animal has eyes on their belly.

Are star nose moles blind?

no they have eyes between there tenticals

What animal has paddled front feet?

* Moles. * Beavers

A moles adaptive characteristics are?

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What is a moles habitat called?

Moles are animals which live on both the surface and below the ground. Moles have a special capability to live in low oxygen areas. They love to stay in farms and on lawns as they can eat the roots of plants without uprooting them.

Does starbus moles have eyes?

Although the star-nosed moles are blind, they do have eyes. They find their way around, and find their prey, by using the "feeler" on the end of their noses that are shaped like a many pointed star.

What animal over turns grass lawns?

Hogs. Moles

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