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Yes, Most cars run on petroleum, a fossil fuel. When fossil fuel is burnt it releases the carbon that has been stored in it for millions of years. This carbon dioxide adds to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

A:They burn fossil fuels (ie, petrol or natural gas) which in turn releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a known greenhouse gas and too high levels of it in the atmosphere 'traps' the sun's heat which otherwise would be reflected back into space.

Green house gases comes from many sources. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes them. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil.

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Q: Do the emissions from vehicles cause global warming?
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There are no dangerous carbon emissions to cause global warming

Are carbon emissions going to destroy the ozone?

Yes they are. Carbon emissions cause global warming and then they cause ozone depletion.

How do countries cause global warming?

With all of the emissions caused by the 600,000,000 plus vehicles on the road and the emissions of various companies, all countries contribute to global warming. (See below for more about the Greenhouse Effect). In order to help reverse this process, the government of the countries should impose laws to limit these emissions and work to create a greener future for all.

How car affect on your ecosystem?

Some believe fossil fuel emissions cause "Global Warming".

It is believed that excessive CO2 emissions will cause?

CO2 is carbon dioxide, and excessive CO2 is believed to cause Global Warming.

What do Greenhouse Gas Emissions do to the Environment?

Pollute the air.Capture heat radiating up from the surface of the earth.Increasing emissions cause global warming and climate change.

Is pollution a major cause for global warming?

No. The United States is the top contributor to global warming emissions. The US produces more carbon dioxide emissions than China, India, and Japan, combined.

Does global warming caused hole in ozone layer?

The ozone layer and global warming are very loosely connected. It is the carbon emissions around the ozone layer that are causing global warming.

Do Americans cause global warming?

Yes, Americans and most other nationalities are causing Global Warming.

Could men going to the moon be responsible for global warming?

No, men travelling to the moon would have very little effect on global warming. Emissions from spacecraft do add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere, but not much more than an aeroplane. Emissions from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is the main cause of global warming.

Is global warming a cause or a effect of climate change?

Global warming is the cause of climate change.Climate change is the result of global warming.

Can global warming cause mutation?

No, global warming will not cause mutations of any kind.