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Q: Do the male hyenas hunt in the family?
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Do hyenas have a family?

it's sort of a family. They hunt and live in packs.

Who are hunting hyenas?

Well, its not all but lions hunt Hyenas if that helps.

Who hunts with pride of lions?

Lions hunt alone as a family pride. At a kill, hyenas (if they outnumber the lions) might, by weight of numbers, force the lions to retreat and leave the kill to the hyenas.

How does a lion exercise?

Lions are among the laziest of the creatures. The female lions get some exercise chasing after prey, killing it, and dragging it back to the male lion. The male lion occasionally hunts, if there is no females to hunt for him; he also is the protector of the family group, going after the dangerous hyenas if they approach.

Do they hunt together?

Lions, hyenas, and wolves hunt together. Bears hunt alone.

Do hyenas play?

No. They hunt for food constantly.

Do female hyenas hunt with the packs?


Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

How do hyenas defend themselfs from predators?

they hunt in paks

What animals hunt hyenas?

The answer is the animal that hunt the Hyena are: Lions, Jaguar and crocodiles

Does the male black footed ferret hunt or does the female?

Black footed ferrets are solitary animals. The only time they are together is at mating. The male has no role in raising the family. So both male and female hunt for themselves

Do leopards hunt hyenas as prey?

No, leopards do not prey on hyenas but may kill them because they compete for some of the same food sources.