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Yes they do!

A capillary wave is a wave traveling along the phase boundary of a fluid, whose dynamics are dominated by the effects of surface tension.

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Capillary wave


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Q: Do the waves of a pebble in water have a name?
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What does banging a drum playing a guitar dropping pebble in water have in common?

All these actions produce waves. Musical instruments produce sounds waves in air. Dropping a pebble in water produces waves on the surface of the water.

What kind of circles are made when a pebble is thrown in water?

A pebble thrown in water creates concentric, expanding circular waves.

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Radio waves were discovered before the radio was invented.

Why does the water level rise when you drop a pebble in a jar half full of water?

pebble has volume so water rises equal to volume of pebble

What are examples of concentric circles in nature?

*The rings in a tree *The circles that make up the iris in the eye *The circular waves spreading when you toss a pebble into water

Why do the fishes become restless when you drop a pebble into the aquarium?

The pressure waves of the pebble hitting the water and falling through it are felt by the fish through their lateral line. It's roughly analogous to sitting in your living room and momentarily feeling a sharp draft.

Why does pebble dropped into o pond produce waves?

Because it's heavy

What is the name of sound waves that move through water?

They are called sound waves. Their name does not change just because they travel in water.

What is a other name for a rock not a pebble not a stone?

what is another name for a small rock not a pebble not a stone

Why does a small pebble sink in water?

because a pebble is denser than water thus making it sink oil is not denser than water.

Why does a pebble sink on water and a piece of wood doesn't?

The pebble is heavier than water so it sinks. The wood isn't heavier than water so it floats.

What is the method that you use to find the volume of a pebble?

put some water in a measuring cylinder, take the reading and then place the pebble in the water and take over the reading.Then you minus the two values to get the volume of the pebble\rock