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Yes, they can. Your body will undergo certain hormone changes from experience sexual activities such as orgasms. These hormone changes can alter other things in your body as well.

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Q: Do things change with you body when you are sexually active?
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When a girl becomes sexually active is it common for her body to change as if she was pregnant?

You should not experience pregnancy symptoms just because you starting becoming sexually active.

If I become sexually active does my menstrual cycle change?

Yes it can, it is normal for it to be off by two weeks or more. Its very stressful on your body and can cause these kind of changes.

Could it mess up your body to be sexually active at 14?

No it could not mess up your body unless you get pregnet

You are not sexually active but your period is now two weeks delayed what does this mean?

just keep waiting, it could be a delay of hormones from your body.

Why your body goes through puberty?

Puberty is the process in which your body reaches sexual maturity. You are not born sexually active, therefore you must go through puberty before you can.

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Can you get boils on your vagina if that is what this looks like?

Yes, you can develop boils on the vagina and anywhere else on your body. If your not sexually active, you can rule out herpes or warts.

Can I be sexually active if i haven't hit puberty?

You can technically but it would not be real, if you can understand what I am saying. You can go through the motions but not enjoy the fruits !! For the body to enjoy sex you need to have started puberty as this is when the changes from child to adult happen. The hormones that will help you to conceive and have children begin to be released into your brain and body during puberty. It's when this happens that girls can become sexually active.

Does being sexually active before your period make it worse?

hey i am 12 and i am sexually active and i still havent gotten my period yet.i am really worried to. like mot of my friends have their periods but me. i am really concered but i am finding white stuff in my undies and i think that that's the discharge but im not sure. but anyway i don't know what to do can you help me out. but i still think that being sexually active sometimes affects you it just depends on your body type

How can you change people of everything being sexually?

American culture has a very strong sexually view of life. So when they see things being normal they see it sexually. For example brother and sister taking a bath together. Family nudity is another thing people have an issues to. They think nudity is a sexually nature but it not. The human body is art not sex object.From Robin, i am 35 years old.

How can adolescent boy or girl like you can prevent or avoid sexually related problem?

Don't have SEX if that what you mean by sexually related problems. If they are or planning on just make sure u as a parent give them lessons and tools to be safe. If you mean like sexually problems like how there body develops and things change hormone wise u can't. Hope this helps

Why I am having bloody discharge. I am 16- not pregnant and I am not sexually active?

Its your period, you get it every month, or sometimes, if your on a birth control, or if something is wrong with your body and its not used to it, then you could bleed until your body is used to it.