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they live in warm water because tropical areas are warm

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13y ago
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13y ago

The clue is in the name! "Tropical" means warm! An average tropical fish requires a stable heated aquarium between 75-78F.

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11y ago

They live in warm waters because of their tropical habits.

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Q: Do tropical fish live in warm or cold water?
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Clown fish are tropical marine species, they do not live in cold water.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

What type of tropical fish can you put in with goldfish?

None, goldfish are cold water fish, so having a tropical fish as a tank-mate just wouldn't work because tropical fish need to live in warm water.

Can tropical fish live in cold water?

Whether or not a tropical fish can survive in cloudy water depends on why the water is cloudy. If there has been a spike in ammonia or nitrates, it can be deadly to fish. Tropical species tend to be more sensitive to severe water changes than freshwater fish.

Why is a cold water fish called cold water fish?

it is called a cold water fish because they can burry them selves in the bottom of the water but if they had warm water they would die lol @ above because there is cold water and warm water the fish classed as cold water live in colder waters apposed to warm water that live in a tropical region live in much warmer water so are classed a s warm water fish

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They are tropical fish and should not go below 65F for any length of time.

Can tropical fish live with lake fish?

No. Tropical Fish required warmer water.

Can fighter fish live in cold water?

Siamese fighters (Betta splendens) are a tropical fish and need to be kept at around 78F.

Do all tropical fish live in fresh water?

Most tropical fish live in the ocean, but some do live in freshwater.

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Can goldfish live in tropical tanks?

It is not recommended. Goldfish are cold water fish while tropical fish are warm water fish. Also, goldfish need to be fed more often than most tropical fish and they produce elevated amounts of waste which can be detrimental to fish not accustomed to it.

Can a guppie live with a goldfish?

A guppie is a tropical fish and should be kept in an aquarium with other tropical fish, a goldfish is kept in a bowl or tank in cold water - the 2 cannot be kept together because of the different in the temperature of the water