

Do vampires have sperm

Updated: 10/21/2022
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14y ago

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Apparently so -- Vampires have fathered children (the offspring of a vampire is a Dhampir) so they must have.

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I would expect so, but not by a vampire. According to myth and science, vampires can not create semen, therefore they can not get a human woman pregnant. Or, if the author decides to do what Stephanie Meyer did and make it possible, then, the answer is no.

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In the Twilight universe, vampires have supernatural capabilities that allow them to impregnate humans. Even though Edward is technically "dead," his body is still functional enough to produce viable sperm to fertilize Bella's eggs. This is explained as part of the supernatural physiology of vampires in the story.

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None, vampires are vampires, not shape-shifters.

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