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Viruses, unlike bacteria, are not cells, they are made up of the same substance as the nucleus, the DNA.

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7y ago
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14y ago

no i dont think so seeings viruses dont even have cells and good luck

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14y ago

No, a virus is not made of cells, and does not have cells.

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14y ago

yea and have u seen a whale popping out of water it looks like a male part

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12y ago

A virus has NO cells it is not a cellular organism.

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Q: Do viruses have a cell membrane?
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Is there a cell membrane in viruses?

Viruses dont have a cell membrane. Instead, they have a protein sheath.

Do viruses have a nuclear membrane a cell wall membrane-bound organelles or ribosomes?

No, viruses do not have membrane bound organalles

What attracts viruses?

receptors on cell membrane

How does the cell membrane help the plant cell?

The Cell Membrane helps the plant cell by guarding any viruses that come near it.

What doesn't the viruses have?

the viruses doesn't have is no nucleus, cytoplasm,organelles, or cell membrane.

Do Most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's cell membrane?

No, DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's nucleus, while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell's cytoplasm

What are viruses not made of?

Any other organelles, Or a cell membrane

What do cells have that viruses do not?

Viruses are made up of a strand of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) and sometimes have a protein coat protecting it. Viruses lack many of the components normally associated with cells such as a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

Does a virus contain a cell membrane?

Viruses are not organized as cells and therefore do not contain cell membranes. However, certain animal viruses are found enveloped with a phospholipid outer coat

Why are viruses so specific in the cell the infect?

Viruses have specific proteins on them which only binds to certain receptors, which are present in certain cell's plasma membrane.

Could a cell survive without cell membrane?

At this time, there is no evidence that prokaryote or eukaryote cells can survive without a cell membrane and be metabolically active at the same time.Many viruses don't have cell membrane but a a protein core instead. Viruses cannot be considered as living cell but infective particles because they are not active outside host cells.

Does a portion of the viral envelope come from the cell membrane of the host cell?

In complex or enveloped viruses ,whole of envelop is part of cell membrane of host as in case of HIV.