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Q: Do we have direct mental control of these muscles?
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Do you have direct control of these muscles?

You're going to have to be clearer which muscles you're asking about.

What term is used to describe muscles over which a person cannot exert direct voluntary control?

Yes. There is your heart, and several other involuntary muscles.

Muscles that are under your control?

Muscles that are under your control are known as voluntary muscles. The arms, legs, and face muscles are prime examples, as they are muscles under your control.

What are volontary muscles for?

Voluntary muscles are the muscles that we control to make it move unlike involuntary muscle, they control thereselves we can't control them.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):((((((((Voluntary muscles are the muscles that we control to make it move unlike involuntary muscle, they control thereselves we can't control them.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):((((((((

Compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary muscles?

Involuntary muscles are muscles that you can't control. Such as the internal muscles. Involuntary muscles are the muscles that work by themselves without you personally doing anything to work them. Voluntary muscles are the muscles that you're in control with. An example of voluntary muscles would be when you sit down, or when you turn a page in a book. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can control easier by yourself than with lots of help from your other muscles like you would need for your involuntary muscles. In short, the differences between the two are the fact that involuntary muscles are controlled without your help, and voluntary muscles work with your help because they are easier to work.

What is the Muscles that we can control with conscious though are called?

The muscles that require conscious control are called voluntary muscles, or skeletal muscles.

What muscles do you have control over?

You have control over the muscles in the body parts where you feel you can move. For example, you have control over your leg muscles because you can move your leg using your muscles in it. You have no control over involuntary muscles like the heart and intestines.

What kind of muscle can you control?

You can control voluntary muscles.

Muscles that you are able to control is?

Voluntary muscles are muscles that you control.

How many muscles are there in the human body which you can not control?

You can not control the smooth muscles as well as cardiac muscles of your body. They are called as involuntary muscles.

What is voluntary trade?

Voluntary muscles are what you have control over. Like your skeletal muscle are usually voluntary. Involuntary muscles are what you have no control of. Like your smooth and cardiac muscles you have no control of. The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles are voluntary muscles you have control of and involuntary you have no control of. Hope this answered your question.

Are heart muscles are under your control?

No, they are involuntary muscles, and will keep operating with out our control.