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emm no pilgrime are former people you know from a long time ago if your talking immergrints yes they do still come to America every day

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Q: Do we still have Pilgrims coming to America?
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What was the pilgrims experience coming too America?

on the mayflower alot of the pilgrims were sick, dying, and ran out of food

Did pilgrims separate from the Anglican church in England before coming to America?

Yes, the pilgrims separated from the Anglican church in England before coming to America. They did so because they felt the Church of England was too Catholic in its practices.

How many voyages did the pilgrims make?

each pilgrim made 1 voyage to America and the number of voyages is not easy as they are still coming every day

Where did the pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact?

It was signed when they were still on the ship to America.

Why did British colonist come to America?

They wanted religious freedom, such as the Pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower.

Did the Pilgrims live in Holland before coming to America?

Yes they did come for Holland but were first from England

What year did the pilgrims decide to come to America?

The Pilgrims came to America on November 21, 1620 I would know that because i am still in school and today we had a big thing about it.

How did the goals of the Jamestown settlers differ from those of the pilgrims?

(They came to America to escape worldly temptations like wealth.)

Why did the separatists who came to America call themselves pilgrims?

The pilgrims were known as separatists because they did not believe in the teachings of the English church so they SEPERATED from it. They did this by coming to the Americas and starting their own colonies.

Who were some of the Pilgrims who discovered America?

The Pilgrims did not actually discover America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

When was America conquered?

It has never been's been America ever since the pilgrims stoke the land from the Indians, hence why America is still America.

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