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Some do. In fall they start turning whiter and in spring they change back to brown. This is a camouflage technique for many species, most notably the Arctic Hare, as the two colors are least noticable in each time period - white blends with snow, brown blends with wood and dirt.

A few species do not, as not all areas of Canada have consistent snow in the winters.

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12y ago

If you mean the breed Netherland Dwarf, then no; they do not turn white in the Winter.

Snowshoe Hare's do turn white in Winter, though. Not sure if any other types do, but as far as I know these are the only ones.

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Q: Do wild rabbits in Canada change their fur colour to white in the winter?
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Rabbits change their color. In spring, their fur is brown, and in the winter their fur is white.

What color do the rabbits fur change in summer to winter?

The snowshoe hare changes its fur to white in the winter, and back to brown (with a white underbelly in the summer. If it is an outdoor rabbit, it can get sunburn, if it's black, its fur will turn a brown color, it isn't really dangerous, but make sure they have shade, and the color will become normal again after she/he gets their winter coat

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Rabbits eat bark, shrubs, buds, and berries. Rabbits aare very curious in the winter.

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It depends. The snow hare will change the color of its fur when it changes from winter to spring.

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In Canada, winter ends in January.

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