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Q: Do wolves have better scent than dogs?
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Who is better man you or wolves fc?

Man is a lot better than Wolves. The more I know about people, the better I like dogs -Wolves included.

Can wolves climb up the side of a house?

No, they don't climb any better than dogs.

Do wolves have longer tails than dogs?

Yes technically wolves have longer tails than dogs. But sometimes dogs can have the same length of tails.

What do dogs use their noses for?

Dogs use their noses for smelling like people do, although a dog's sense of smell is much better than a human's. They can differentiate the scent of many different dogs when just smelling a single tree and can detect a scent from much further away than humans and many other animals.

How are dogs and wolves different?

Wolves howl, dogs bark Wolves are generally taller than dogs Wolves live in packs in the wild, dogs live by themselves Wolves are more intelligent than dogs, but are also more aggressive towards humans. Wolves hunt for prey, dogs usually eat leftovers and are not much of hunters of live prey. Wolves and dogs can interbreed. The German Shepherd is one of the best examples of a wonderful house dog that can be trained to be a guardian dog, has the fierceness of a wolf, and the gentleness/faithfulness of a dog.

Is the wolve's smelling ability better than dogs?

I'm not exactly sure, but, I think that wolves have better smelling abilities than dogs because, they are more wild and really need to use their senses to hunt prey and to survive. Also, it depends which dog it is and what breed it is, some dogs have better smelling abilities than others.

Why are dogs and wolves called social animals?

Wolves tend to travel in packs rather than alone, and dogs often prefer the company of other dogs or humans rather than solitude.

Why is it that dogs like foul smells?

A dogs biggest sense is scent aromas that are foul to us are not always to them just a powerful scent more powerful than their own so herd dogs and hunting dogs will roll in strong foul rotten smelling things to mask there scent

Can dogs smell 10 times better than a human?

Scientists guess the dog's sense of smell is somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than ours. One of the reasons a dog has such a better smelling ability than us is the number of scent receptors. For every scent receptor, a human has, a dog has about 50.

Are wolves better than pandas?

Better in or at or with what?Well, pandas are cuter, but wolves are a vital part of the ecosystem.

Are dogs faster than wolves?

Overall, wolves are probably faster--but some dog breeds are very fast, e.g. greyhounds, and are probably faster than wolves.

Are coyotes smarter than wolves and dogs?

yes very smarter than a wolf