

Do women have a higher BAC?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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14y ago

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Women are generally smaller than men, and they produce less of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. For those reasons, most women will have a higher BAC than the average male if they both drink the same amount of alcohol.

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14y ago
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Q: Do women have a higher BAC?
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Why do women tends to reach an higher BAC level than men?

Less of an enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol and a higher proportion of fat, which concentrates alcohol in the bloodstream.

Women tend to reach higher BAC levels more quickly than men because?

Blood alcohol content(BAC) is affected primarily by the size of the person drinking. So me being 6' 5" can drink more before my BAC increases whereas some one who is 5' 5" BAC would increase more rapidly. So seeing as most women are smaller then men can theoretically drink more wih out their BAC skyrocketing.

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Not that I am aware of. The blood alcohol levels would be the same percentage, but men can typically drink more alcohol (even at the same age and weight and consumption rate) than women because women typically have a lower water content in their blood, so the BAC percentage isn't different, but women's BAC can rise faster.

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It varies depending on state law in the US.

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Todd's BAC will be higher than Hector's

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Blood Alcohol Content : the higher it is, the sooner you die.

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