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I believe this would be a matter of individual choice as each woman is unique & different.

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Q: Do women prefer women to shave or trim their pubic hair?
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Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Do Sprouse twins shave their pubic hair?

Haha ! Hi dude this is Cole and yes we shave our pubic hair ;)

Is it a predominantly gay act to shave your pubic hair?

No. Many straight men shave their pubic hair for hygienic and aesthetic reasons.

Does everyone have pubic hair?

Unless they shave it, but yes. Everyone gets pubic hair.

Are vaginas supposed to be hairy?

Yes, naturally during puberty women grow pubic hair in a few places, one being their vagina...many women choose to shave or wax it off, yet many women leave it natural and prefer it that way...pubic hair also protects the vagina from bacteria.

Why do women shave pubic?

Because They Think It's Not Cute. Actually Yu Aren't Suppose To Shave All Of It Off. The Reason FOr Hair Is For Protection. Only Hair That Yu Do Not Need Is UnderArm Hair.

For women is razor halal in Islam?

Yes it is permissible for women to use a razor to shave for example their pubic hair, but it is the sunnah to pluck or tweeze it.

Should you have hair on your vagina but not your armpit?

Yes most men and women prefer it that way. Although you can shave your pubic area entirely, most men actually think it's hotter if you have a little there but well groomed.

Does Rihanna shave her pubic hair?

She gets it waxed

Should women shave or do men like the natural look of the bikini area?

Whether or not a woman should shave her bikini area is a personal preference. Some men prefer the natural look while others prefer the cleaner shaved look. All women should be 'au natural' I think the trend for women and men shaving off their pubic hair is coming to a end, thankfully.

What percentage of men shave there genital area?

According to the website "Fashion and grooming trends have extended below the waist. 23 percent say they shave part of their pubic hair off. Nine percent say they shave all of their pubic hair off.Women in the 18 to 44 age group are more likely to remove hair in their pubic region than women over 45, perhaps because this age group is more likely to think that men prefer a well-manicured pubic region on a woman (38 percent of women aged 18-44 think most men prefer a manicured look, compared to 14 percent of women aged 45-54 and 3 percent of those aged 55 and older).An ObyGyn friend ib=n Denver tells me that over half the women from 15 - 20 shave most or all of their pubic hair. She recommends it for hygiene reasons.

Why do pubic hair hurt after guys shave?

your facial hair is connected to your head hair and your pubic hair as you cut your facial hair your nerves in your skin tell you that your pubic hair is getting cut but is really not