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Generally a worker who goes on strike will not get paid by their employed.

Upon their return to work they would not be entitled to re-gain any lost wages.

Some workers will get strike pay paid by their union.

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Q: Do workers gain lost wages after a strike?
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Can you collect workers compensation if your union is on strike?

Worker's Comp provides for payment of medical bills, and wages that are lost when you are medically unable to work. If you are medically able to work, but are on strike, that has nothing to do with Worker's Comp- you will not be paid for the period when you were medically able to work.

For Illinois Workers Compensation is the employer required to pay the wages of an employee to attend a doctor appointment?

If a Section 12 independent medical exam is requested by the employer, travel expense is supposed to be advanced before attending the exam. If a worker also has a lost day's wages to attend the exam or 1/2 a day's wages lost, then the workers comp act provides for reimbursement of the lost wages or partial lost wages. An employer is not required to pay lost wages to attend a treating doctor's visit appointment. That is normally to be scheduled for off work hours.

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they saw a decline in wages

was the general strike successful?

Yes, but not immediately. The workers ended up going back to work once the strike ended and they had to sign waivers saying they would not join any union and they were punished. Some workers were fired, some lost their pension rights, etc. But the next year (1920), 11 labourors won seats in the Manitoba government, 4 of which were strike leaders. With their help, 20 years later, things improved. Now, we have good wages and good working conditions all thanks to the Winnipeg General Strike.

What harmed unions in the 1920's?

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Do I have to pay taxes on wages received do to an injury?

Wages received because of an injury is usually workers compensation. That compensation is to compensate for lost wages, which would have otherwise been earned while working. Those earnings are still taxable.

Was the Winnipeg General Strike successful?

Yes, but not immediately. The workers ended up going back to work once the strike ended and they had to sign waivers saying they would not join any union and they were punished. Some workers were fired, some lost their pension rights, etc. But the next year (1920), 11 labourors won seats in the Manitoba government, 4 of which were strike leaders. With their help, 20 years later, things improved. Now, we have good wages and good working conditions all thanks to the Winnipeg General Strike.

In 1923 why were German workers ordered to go on strike?

German workers were ordered to go on strike in 1923 as a response to the French occupation of the Ruhr region. The German government called for passive resistance, leading to strikes and protests by workers against the French occupation. This action was intended to disrupt economic activities and put pressure on the French to leave the region.

What is the workers' compensation commission all about?

Workers compensation is similar to insurance. If someone is injured while on the job the employer has to pay for wages lost while injured as well as medical expenses.

Where does the apostrophe go in lost wages?

Lost wages doesn't need an apostrophe.

What is the difference between a closed workers comp claim with a treatment order and a claim kept open?

with the closed with treatment order, you get medical paid, but give up your right to any lost wages and mileage for treatment. An open claim gives you the right to lost wages and mileage

Can you include lost wages in small claims court?

If the claim for which you are bringing suit warrants lost wages, you can include them in your suit.