

Do you all like horses

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Are you looking for a group answer to this question or individual answer. Plus your question is pretty stupid btw.

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Q: Do you all like horses
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When do mustang horses sleep?

Probably when they get tired, like all other horses.

Are mustang horses verberates?

Yes, horses like all mammals are Vertebrates .

Do horses let their foals suckle like wolves?

Horses like nearly all mammals suckle their young.

What do Appaloosa horses drink?

Appaloosa's like all other horses drink water.

Are horses all different?

some horses are different. Different horses have different spices. horses that are the same spices are probably going to look a like.

What do horse like to do?

All horses are different. Some like to run around a lot. Most horses enjoy being with other horses because they are a herd in the wild.

Why are horses not loved enough?

not that many boys like horses, not all girls like horses answer because some people are crazy and cruel enough to hate and mistreat them.

Are mustangs carnivores?

No. Mustangs are feral horses and like all horses are grazing animals (herbivores).

How do mustang horses hunt?

Mustanges dont Hunt like all horses they are Herbivores. 899bubble

What kind of water do horses drink?

yes. all horses like water.

What type of vegetables do horses like?

I don't know all the vegetables horses like but I know almost all horses go crazy for raw carrots. Just make sure they're washed well before feeding.

What is horses climate like?

Horses like different climates. It all depends on what breed of horse. For example, horses with thicker coats may like cooler climates. Also, it depends if you have a blanket for them and how much you work them.