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Some people believe that everything is already destined to occur and that free will is an illusion (determinism and predeterminism); other people believe free will exists and that people have control over their own fates. Among these two dichotomous position lies a spectrum, varying from hard determinism to philosophical Libertarianism. One of the main proponents in the argument that both determinism and free will are valid postulates is the concept of Philosophical Dualism.

The answer to whether I (or you) believe in one or another depends on who is asked the question. There is no absolute or finite answer to such a subjective and ambiguous question.

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Q: Do you believe in fate or free will?
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Yes you can .

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Depends on what you believe.

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Why might ancient Greeks be so interested in fate?

Greeks were incredibly interested in fate. Greeks were interested in fate because they did not believe in life after death.

Do you believe everything is determined by fate?

i believe in fate because it helps me to know that by fate any thing can happen. For example, if i said that i wanted a aptop and my friends say that it can't happen and i say i will happenby fate and it happens it meansthat the fate helped me.

Can fate bring a man and woman together?

There's no fact to prove that fate can bring a man and woman together. It depends on whether you believe it can. no such thing as fate. either purposeful or accidental no fate

Is fate and school anyway related?

Fate and school are not related and it requires one to attend school to gain knowledge. Fate comes naturally and many people do not believe in it.