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No, deworming horses should not just be done on a random every 6 or 8 weeks schedule. How often a horse should be dewormed depends on age, environmental conditions, management practices and the horse's own resistance to parasites. Deworming programs should be designed for each horse based upon a consideration of the risk factors for parasites for that particular horse, including the results of fecal egg counts which help to determine an individual horse's reinfection status and natural resistance to parasites. Immatures horses (under 18 months) are less resistant to parasites and often require frequent deworming, but adult horses may need as few as 2 dewormings a year or as many as 3-4 dewormings a year.

Horse owners should consult their veterinarian to determine an appropriate deworming program for their horses.

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7y ago

No, they should be dewormed every 6 months.

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Q: Do you deworm your horses every other month?
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How often do you have tp de-worm your horse?

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dewormer medicine, look in the local tack shop

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