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I think you should pay fine and attend traffic school.

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Q: Do you fight a speeding ticket 85 in 65 zone ny 81 north or just pay fine?
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Drivers license in Utah speeding ticket in Minnesota?

If a person who is licensed in Utah gets a speeding ticket in Minnesota, and does not want to fight the ticket, they should mail a check for the fine to the address given on the back of the ticket. If the fine is not known, the person can call the phone number on the back of the ticket and ask what the fine is. All of this must be done before the court date given on the ticket.

How do you reduce the fine on a speeding ticket?

Get it amended.

If you got a ticket in VA will the points transfer to North Carolina if you pay your fine?

A Virgina speeding ticket does transfer to your North Carolina driving record and may result in an insurance increase or suspension of your North Carolina license. If the speeding ticket is in excess of 15mph over the speed limit, it is an automatic suspension of your license. Normally, it is a good idea to contest every speeding ticket or at least be absolutely sure you know the consequences.

If you get a speeding ticket in another state can you get arrested?

No, you will be subject to the ticket law and fine schedule for that state.

You got a speeding ticket in NM for going 5 miles over the speeding limits what can you do?

Pay the ticket. They probably have a website you can use to pay the fine.

Is it worth going to court on a 117 speeding ticket 53 in a 35 or should you just pay the fine especially since this is your first speeding ticket in 10 years?

Totally up to you. If you were speeding, pay it. If you want to fight it, do so. However, if you wish to keep your record clean a day at traffic school (with additional fee of course) will keep the ticket off your record.

Speeding ticket no radar?

Just pay the fine and don't be such a leadfoot.

What is the fine for a teenager with 2 speeding tickets in Ohio?

The fine for a speeding ticket normally depends on the actual speed, not on the age of the driver or how many other tickets you have.

How much does a speeding ticket cost in Indiana for a CDL truck driver?

Only the particular court can tell you the amount of the fine. If it is classified as a serious ticket, more than 15 mph over the limit, then it will pay you to retain an attorney and fight the ticket.

Speeding ticket cost in ny?

A speeding ticket in New York can cost between 45 dollars and 600 dollars. It depends on how fast you were going to determine the cost of the fine.

How much will a speeding ticket cost with no insurance?

that will probly be two separate charges, but in nc an average speeding ticket with a lawyer for myself was 210 and he appeared in court for me and paid the fine.

Does your speeding ticket fine increase if there is a child in the back in a carseat?

The fine won't increase, but you coudl get a ticket if the child isn't properly secured in the seat. General advice: Don't risk lives -- especially those of children -- by speeding.