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If he can't be honest with you then he obviously doesn't care about you much. He just makes good excuses. You should dump him and find someone who deserves you.

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Q: Do you forgive your boyfriend for not telling you that he was married for the fact that he was scared of losing you until he could get money for his divorce?
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No! If he doesn´t care for four months about telling the truth, how do you know where he is lying or telling the truth? It is definitely an abuse of confidence.

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Well he could have been lying or he could have had a panic attack.

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no , they have to sign the divorce papers.

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Tell him to get a job if that is the only problem, other than his marriage, that is keeping him from getting a divorce. Maybe that is just an excuse he is telling you because he doesn't want a divorce. What does having a job really have to do with a divorce anyway?

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God Must be telling you he doesn't want you to have kids right now... If you are not married... STOP TRYING!!!

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Telling you how to lie about your boyfriend is impossible, telling lies without our help is possible but if the truth comes up, that will be the hard part.

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Your pregnant! Think of yourself right now. You ca't abort the baby, but your boyfriend will have another chance at collage. Get married quickly; make sure he stays with you. If he complains he is no boyfriend, and anyway, it is his fault! Get married and give birth! Forget collage right now, it can wait!

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Implicit form is when you forgive them without telling them; explicit form is when you say you forgive them or you cancel their debt if you have given them a loan.

Boyfriend telling you he really likes you?

Well yeah, if he is your boyfriend he will really like you O_o

Your boyfriend and you have lived together for 3 years he is married and said that he wants to divorce his wife he has not so far why does he not divorce her?

Why should he? He's getting all that he needs from you AND his wife, without getting a divorce. That is much, much easier than the bitter confrontation that would result from his telling his wife that he wants a divorce. This might be an opportunity for you. Rather than being a bummer situation, you can say that you have learned much from this guy, and move on to a better situation, where, with any luck, you can shack up with a single guy. Maybe he just wants someone he can come home to and someone to cook his dinner and love on him.He using you!

What would you think when a guy friend keeps asking you when are you getting married When he knows you are with someone?

There is no telling what he is thinking. He doesn't have inside information from your boyfriend, and you certainly don't want to confide your hopes at this point. Perhaps think about telling him that he will be the first to know if and when it happens.