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Both. Or better it depends on the amount. Even cabbage has energy. There are no things you can eat which help to "burn" calories. (incl. diet pills!). Furthermore it is always a bad idea to do a diet based on one single ingredient.

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12y ago

Well its very low in calories with good amounts of fiber and vitamin A so yes it can aid you in weight loss

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Q: Do you gain or burn calories when eating cabbage?
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yes...because if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight no matter what!

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You don't gain calories from sitting. You gain calories from eating.

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I don't think do. Trying to gain weight means you are eating more calories. Anorexics are characterized by limiting their calorie intake, along with exercising to burn off more calories so that they DON'T gain weight.

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Unless it is because of pregnancy, the sex is not the reason. You gain weight by eating more calories than you burn.

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Yes it does. A full box of wheat thins equals alot of calories which equals weight gain. Unless that is the only thing you are eating all day. Make the calories you eat equal the calories you burn everyday and you will remain the same weight. No particular food causes weight gain, it's just when you eat too much of it, it means you are probably eating more calories then you are burning that day!

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If you don't burn off those extra (and empty) calories, then yes, it most certainly will.

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To gain 1 pound a week, 500 calories added to your usual day would do it.

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You will gain weight.

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Well, sort of. Watching TV is a very passive occupation(you don't move around a lot), and if you don't move you don't burn many calories. And if you only burn a few calories it gets easier and easier to eat more calories than you loose over a day. And if you're eating more calories than you burn the excess calories will stay with you as weight gain.