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12y ago

No. you aren't given the depo shot until you have at least one child. This is because the depo provera shot has the ability to cause infertility.

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Q: Do you get a shot when you are 8 years old?
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What happend to Alice Walker at 8 years old?

In 1952, when she was only eight (8) years old she was accidentally wounded in the right eye by a shot from a BB gun fired by one of her brothers.

How old was Abraham Lincoln when shot?

He was 56 years old.

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Alice walker was playing with her brother and he accidently shot her in her left eye they where frighten they would get in trougble so they told her to lie and jhkujkvd

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8 years old!

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He was 26 years old.

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19 years old. She was shot and killed.

In french how would you say you will be 8 years old?

You will be 8 years old: "Tu auras huit (8) ans" I will be 8 years old: "J'aurai huit (8) ans"

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8 years and 7 months

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Selena was 23 years old when she was shot.

Do you have to be 60 years old to get the shingle shot?

Now they will give shingles shot at 50.

What age did tutankhmun become king?

he was 9 when he became pharaoh and died at 19 :) If I may correct you, he actually became Pharaoh at the age of 8. He died because he was riding on his chariot and he fell of, he broke his leg which then became infected. Sadly after that he passed away at the age of 19 years old. Which was fairly old in those days. Hope this helped.

Which is correct grammee an 8 year old or an 8 years old child?

The correct grammar between 'an 8 year old' or an '8 years old child' is 'an 8 year old child'.