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You can be deported if Immigration finds you.

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Q: Do you get deported from the USA when tourist visa expires?
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Is it possible to apply for college in the USA with a tourist visa?

It depends what visa they have.

Is there a way I can enter USA without student or Tourist visa?

Business visa, diplomatic visa, crewman visa, fiancee visa, spouse visa, family visa.

How can a citizen help legalize a sibling whose visa has expired and stayed in USA?

For any extension of stay on a visa the Form I-539 should be filed before visa expires. In case its not filed on time you can still attach a explanation and file the form asap.If the reason for failing to file on time is acceptable to the immigration officer then you can legalize your stay in US else you will be deported.

I am sorry for your ?

I am sorry for your visa denial. But, there isn't a way you can visit USA on a tourist visa directly from Canada. Since you are from Barbados, you will need to get a USA visa from a USA embassy in your country only.

If you have a child in USA whiles on holiday with a USA tourist visa. ur child dad is USA citizen. uve been married to him for 4yrs now Can you apply again for tourist visa. U did not over stay in USA?

You should apply for citizenship if living in the US.

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Does a Bangladesh Passport holder having USA Green Card need tourist visa for Cambodia

Can a UK citizen marry an American on a travel visa?

The quick answer is NO. The only intent of entering the USA on a tourist visa is for that purpose and that purpose only. If you intend on marrying a US citizen you must apply for a K-1 visa if you have not maried yet and a K-2 if you have already been married for three years. If you are stopped and questioned and any proof of intent to marry while entering on a tourist visa you will be deported and banned from entering under any circumstance for at least a minimum of five years. If a foreigner wishes to marry a US citizen then it is best to apply for the appropriate visa beforehand.

When your USA visitor's visa expires can you return to Canada and enter USA again a week later?

You may go directly to a immigration lawyer! hurry!

Where can a Filipinos get tourist visa for Saipan?

Tourist visas for Saipan are issued by the U.S. consulate in the country you are living in. If you are living in the USA proof of residency is needed.

What can you bring with you on your travels to resell for a profit?

Leaving the USA, you cannot transport anything for profit, when you are traveling on a tourist visa.

Exist a formula for know how many dates can stay in usa if i am a turist?

If you are a tourist in U.S.A, you can stay the time that is stated on your Visa.

How can you come back to the us if you dont have a visa?

It depends in which country are you living. You can easily go to the USA if you are from a country that has an agreement with the USA to let the citizens visit it as a tourist.