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I'm thinking that this is easy to test and find out.

When you blink, the only part of you that moves is your eyelid. The rest of you stays still.

So if you move your eyelid faster than the speed of light and it goes back in time,

then your eyelid would disappear, because the rest of you would stay here in the

present time.

You could try it any time, wherever you are, and see what happens.

But how fast would you have to blink ?

If your eyelid moves a whole inch during a blink, then in order to move at the speed

of light, you'd have to move it fast enough to blink 11,802,827,520 times in one second.

That's about 590 thousand times faster than that high squeal you hear from

a mosquito's wings.

Do you think you can do that ? Good luck on your experiment.

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No. It is impossible for anything to travel faster than light.

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Q: Do you go back in time if you blink faster than the speed of light?
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Can you go faster than he speed of light?

no I tried it once and got back late for dinner. I'll never try that again.

If you travel the speed of light will you age slower?

As you go faster and faster, time appears to slow down. If you could go 99.99999% of the speed of light, you would hardly age at all in 100 years. According to our current understanding of physics (and this is subject to change!) you can never move AT the speed of light, although with enough power you could approach it very nearly. The faster you go, the more time slows down.

What happens if you are going the speed of light?

No particle can exceed the speed of light in a vacuum. Only massless particles can travel at the speed of light because as speed increases, the mass of the particle also increases, and the amount of energy it takes to accelerate it increases. As a particle (with mass) approaches the speed of light, the amount of energy needed to accelerate it approaches infinity. There is one exception to the speed limit of the speed of light and that is the speed of a particle moving through a material medium. (For instance, glass has an index of refraction of about 1.5 which tells us that light moves through glass at a speed that is about 66% of its speed in a vacuum.) High energy particles can move through materials faster than light can move through the material. When that occurs, there is an interesting phenomenon called Cherenkov radiation. This radiation is simply light, but it results when any charged particle moves through a medium faster than light move through the same medium. (See related links.)

If youre in a vehicle going the speed of light what happens when you turn on the headlights?

Technically, this question is flawed, since one of the most important rules in physics is that no matter that has mass can travel at or above the speed of light (this is why scientists argue that traveling back in time is impossible) you would need extreme force and very special circumstances. However, for hypothetical purposes, lets say that you are able to reach the speed of light. When you turn on your headlights, nothing out of the ordinary will happen. You will merely see the light speed away from you at the speed of light. It would be the same as if you were standing still in your car and turned on the headlights. This is one of the must incredible things about the speed of light (c) - it is constant for everybody. Even if you were an onlooker and you somehow saw the car go by, it wouldn't happen at twice the speed of light, it would still happen at regular (c). Going further, since the speed of the light viewed doesn't change, then what does? The time. If you are able to go near the speed of light (like .9999 times), time would go more slowly for you (compared to normal, but you wouldn't notice anything. If you look at the outside world, time would appear to be traveling faster. For example, going .9999 times the speed of light, traveling for one year would actually be 70 years for anyone else. If you were able to reach the speed of light, you will have esentially stopped time, and if you were able to go faster than the speed of light, there would be an inertial frame of reference in which you would be travelling back in time. This is actually a very touchy subject, i highly recommend reading more about it. There are some very interesting videos and books by Stephen Hawking on youtube that you can watch, both about light, relativity, time travel, all of that.

How do you understand the speed of light in human terms?

The speed of light is so incredibly fast that it is difficult to express it in human terms. But here are some comparisons. If you could run at the speed of light, you would be able to run around the world seven times in a single second. If you could run at the speed of light, you could run from one time zone to another in the blink of an eye. You would be able to see ten sunsets in the same evening! When you are talking on an international phone call, you can say something on the phone. Your call will go up into space to a communications satellite 23,000 miles into space, and back down. And you hardly notice the delay!

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What is faster the speed of light or the blink of a human eye?

Let's say that you can accomplish a complete blink in one hundredth (0.01) of a second. In that amount of time, a beam of light could travel . . . -- from New York City to Albuquerque, New Mexico, -- or from Los Angeles to Grand Rapids, Michigan -- or from London to Rome and back to London -- or from Jerusalem to Berlin -- or from Miami to Disney World and back to Miami, almost five times.

Why shouldn't you blink?

Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.

How fast would you have to travel to go back in time?

Faster than the speed of light, in theory.

Can a person go back in time?

yes a person can go back in time if they go faster than the speed of light. better start training!

If you could travel speeds greater then the speed of light would you be able to travel back in time?

Yes and No. Yes because traveling faster than light would make you go back in time. No because you would need an infinite amount of energy to go at the speed of light according to Einstein Also going at the speed of light or faster you would tern into light. So "you" could not go at the speed of light but light could. Time travel is possible but only at the earths gravitational pull (Turn) if the earth went backwards in spinning, but at the speed of light, the earth would move backwards through time as it broke the atmospheric compression field. WELL, AS IT HAPPENS... On a Distance against Time graph, the more distance you travel in the same amount of time, the steeper the line and therefore the faster your speed. The speed of light on such a graph is VERY steep, but it is NOT vertical. If it was a vertical line, then you would be travelling INFINITELY far distances in zero seconds. Which is impossible. However, assuming that it isn't, going EVEN FASTER would mean the line would start to curve back on itself, which would mean you were travelling a certain distance in a certain number of NEGATIVE seconds. Which would mean you were travelling back in time. So to answer your question, going faster than the speed of light would result in a VERY high speed. However, to go back in time you would need to go faster than a vertical line on a distance against time graph. In other words, to go back in time you would need to go FASTER THAN AN INFINITE SPEED. So, no you couldn't travel back in time by going faster than the speed of light. Even if you could, which you can't.

Can you go faster than he speed of light?

no I tried it once and got back late for dinner. I'll never try that again.

If something started out already traveling away from us at greater than the speed of light will its light ever reach earth?

No. Speed of light is constant in all frames of reference, even if you are also traveling at the speed of light, the photon will speed away from you at the speed of light. When you see an object, what is happening is that photons are reflected off the object you are looking at and bounce back into your eye. However, if you are traveling faster than the speed of light, the photons can never reach you to start with, hence, you are invisible until your speed decreases to something below the speed of light. It is possible to travel faster than light in many ways. First, if you have a negative amount of energy, you will always travel faster than a speed of light. Another possible way is to compress the space in front of you, then move to your destination before re-expanding the space you have just past.

If you were aboard a supersonic jet which direction would you head to go back in time?

First of all, you have to travel faster than the speed of light, not sound, to go back in time. No aircraft can go that fast, or any other vehicle for that matter. At least, not yet. Second, it doesn't matter which way you're pointing, you just have to go faster than the speed of light.

Is time travel possible or not and elaborate on your answer?

There is many thoughts about time travel one theory is that if you travel faster than the speed of light you can see into the future and sort of 'jump' into the future and then travel one again faster than the speed of light to see into the past and then 'jump' back of course this is just a theory and has not been proven or said to be true and who knows the future seeing might take you to the wrong time so if your traveling back into the past you might go TOO far back to the past, no-one knows if this is true it has been tried but has been failed to go faster than the speed of light