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I say "oink".

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Q: Do you have action verbs for pigs like snort or grunt?
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Related questions

What sound does a pig make with the letter g?

The sound that a pig makes sounds like "oink". The sound a cow makes sounds like "moo". These are farm animals.

How is a verb and a action verb different?

There are two types of verbs. Linking verbs and action verbs. A linking verb is a word like is, from, but action verb shows action of the noun. Jump, skip, hop, sit are action verbs.

Is pitched a action or linking verb?

Pitch and pitched are action verbs. Linking verbs are helping verbs, a form of the verb "be", like is, are, was, were, etc.

What type of verbs do direct object and indirect object require?

Direct objects require transitive verbs, which transfer the action to the object directly. Indirect objects require ditransitive verbs, which transfer the action to the object indirectly through the indirect object.

What are action and being verbs?

Action verbs express what the subject is doing. For example, Tim is running to the toy store.

Is had an action verb?

no things like walked are action verbs had ia a linking verb like am is are was were

What is the direct object of The Criminal is adversary to the policeman?

There is no direct object. There are two types of verbs: action verbs and being verbs. Being verbs are verbs of being, they are words like "is", "am", "was", "be", and their variations, like "have been", etc. They don't have direct objects. Action verbs are all the other words, that do have actions. The object of that action is the direct object. So, if the verb is making a statement of being, then there is no direct object, and the verb is a verb of being, like "is".

Is the word is linking or action?

Action verbs are words like run, skip, walk, eat.Linking verbs are words like am, is, are, was, were.Also the forms of become and seem are always linking verbs.

What are some verbs?

some verbs are showing action like for example :jump , run , walk , talk , text , jogSome other verbs that show action are:fly, wave, write, type, talk

Is eat an action verb?

Yes it is. Action verbs are expressing, well action. Like walking, or running would also be considered action verbs. So yes eating is an action verb. Hope I helped! :D

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Can had be an action verb?

No action verbs are verbs like run walk talk etc. Had is the past tense of have and have is a main verb and an auxiliary verb. Have has the meaning of possess or 'have got'.