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It depends on what is best for your lawn. Most lawns need to be aerated regularly. Whether or not you need to that depends on the type of grass you have in your lawn and whether or not it is healthy. Creeping grasses like bent grass, and St Augustine grasses need to be thatched regularly.

Thatching helps to remove dead material from your soil. Not every lawn needs to be thatched. Thatching is also called power raking or dethatching. The easiest way to do this is with a machine called a thatcher or a power rake.

Aerating is easier and often cheaper. If I had to choose between the two, I would probably choose to aerate. The exception would be if I had more then 3/4 inch worth of thatch on my lawn. If this was the case, I would thatch my lawn immediately.

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12y ago
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8y ago

"The 2 best times to aerate your lawn are the spring and the fall. I have a personal opinion that the fall aeration works better than the spring."

The reason why you aerate in the Spring and in the Fall, is because this is when the ground is the softest. Also it is a great time of year for fertilizing and over seeding your lawn which work best with aeration.

Unlike the previous comment, I think Aerating works best in the Spring. This is because clay soils get compacted in the summer when it gets hot and this puts a lot of stress of the roots. If you aerate your lawn in the Spring you can actually prevent this from happening. (The most popular weeks nation wide are the second and third weeks of April. October is also a popular month!)

Aerating your lawn makes it easy for air and water to access the root system.

Lawn aerating should be done at least every other year.

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11y ago

Aeration is not something a lawn requires. Neither is de-thatching. Both are ways to allow chemicals into the ground around the grass to fertilize and treat disease and insects. Mixing some lawn soap in your liquid fertilizer will help break down the surface tension as well, if not better.

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13y ago

There isn't a set rule for how often you should aerate. However a simple test is to take a screwdrive and stick it into the soil. If it goes in easily your lawn is fine. If it doesn't then you need to aerate.

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11y ago

Water, Fertilize, over seed and if you choose you can spread a light coating of top soil. You can can also add lime, if needed. Continue to water more than normal in the next couple weeks.

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10y ago

My neighbour told me that it is good for a lawn if you aerate it. How is this done?

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Q: Do you need to both thatch and aerate a lawn?
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Do I aerate my lawn, or pay someone to do it for me?

I need to aerate my lawn. I am not very familiar with the process and I am not sure what I need to do. How do I aerate my lawn?

Why is it a good practice to aerate lawns?

Aerating lowers the cost of watering your lawn. It helps your lawn to develop a deep root system and your grass to grow green and healthy. It really works, I have aerated 8,000 lawns and seen vast improvements. Some lawns may need to be aerated a lot more then others. These types of lawns include compacted or hilly soils, or lawns that contain a lot of clay in this. If you have a new home and you don't have very good soil, you should also aerate your lawn. It will help you grass to establish it self a lot faster. The last reason why people aerate is because it helps to get rid of thatch build up in a yard.

Aerate Lawn for a Greener Finish?

Anyone can easily improve their landscape's appearance and visual appeal they rely on a specialized machine that is made to aerate lawn. Because the lawn's roots need to have access to oxygen, grass often looks dead when it need aeration. The aeration machines create lots of small holes that improve air flow inside the top level of soil. With repeated cuttings, soil has a tendency to compact, and this can also prevent the lawn from growing properly.

Why would a person need an lawn aerator ?

If you notice your lawn is building up a lot of thatch or is not responding well to fertilizer and water then aeration may help. Aeration simply removes parts of the lawn allowing the rest to get more air and keeping it from getting too packed down.

How To Use a Power Rake on Your Lawn?

A power rake is a machine similar in size to a lawnmower. It cuts through the thatch on your lawn, loosening the dead material so water, air, and nutrients can get to the roots of the grass making it lush and green. Thatch is dead and living organic matter underneath the grass that can become too thick for the roots to grow through it. It can become so compacted, the roots aren’t able to get the oxygen and nutrients they need to keep the grass healthy. It also does not hold water well, so the grass gets too dry. By using a power rake, the thatch is broken up and brought to the surface. The lawn can finally breathe and get the water and nutrients it needs. Even though too much thatch can choke your lawn, some thatch is important. In hot weather, the thatch helps to moderate temperature fluctuation, preventing drought stress. It’s when thatch is deeper than %C2%BC inch, that it is time to do something about it. The time of year you thatch depends on the type of lawn you have. Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescue should always be thatched in the spring or fall, but Zoysiagrass should only be thatched in the summer. Power rakes are available to rent at most local rental stores. They are about the same size as a lawn mower, only heavier. It’s best to rent a power rake with fixed, vertical tines and adjustable depth controls. The fixed tines penetrate the thatch better than power rakes with flexible, rake-like tines. Once you’ve rented the machine, make sure the depth is adjusted correctly. Run the power rake over your lawn overlapping each pass by at least two inches. Some experts suggest making two separate passes perpendicular to each other. After power raking, use a leaf rake to collect the thatch brought to the surface and dispose of it. You can either use it as mulch or compost it. Next, you can reseed thin areas of the lawn and apply fertilizer. Finally, make sure the lawn is kept moist. Within two weeks, your lawn will be green and healthy.

Learn simple techniques for complete lawn care?

When performing work on your lawn, it is wise to join together tasks that can be done at the same time. For example you can aerate your lawn as well as apply lime at the same time. Finish the job with raking away dead clippings and dirt clods from aeration. Enrich the grass by applying fertilizer or herbicides according to product directions. Water your lawn well when in need and adjust for drought. When the lawn is in need of cutting, be sure to cut at least a 1/3 of the lawn's length with a sharp bladed mower. Also mow the yard in a pattern, this helps to ensure even growth. Trim the edges of your lawn with the appropriate equipment and maintain weeds to upkeep your lawn in all areas.

Where can I learn about thatch patio umbrellas?

You can learn about thatch patio umbrellas online all you need is to check these site listed below:, and

Are there any problems with mulching leaves back into a yard?

it is not a problem unless you have a massive amount that could stop grass growth. as long as it is mulched up well it really helps your lawn! usually best if you pile them off to the side and let them compost then lightly spread composted soil around lightly ( if it is in a pile it will heat up and compost or break down faster! )If you have a Thatch (heavy amount of grass clippings) already in you lawn you will need to remove with a thatch rake before spreading leaves or compost.

Why do you need lawn mower?

To Mow your Lawn , Obviously that's why its called a lawn mower In other words if you don't have grass then there is no need for a lawn mower!

Do you need to mix fuel for lawn mower to start?

No for your lawn mower you will just need regular lawn mower oil.

Do you need oxygen to aerate the lungs and to cleanse the blood?

No, you need AIR (which contains 20% Oxygen) to areat the BLOOD in the lungs and to carry away CO2. No, you need Kidneys to cleanse the blood.

How do you kill green slim in a pond?

Chlorine, but you need to aerate it and keep water moving or problem will be persistant