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You can get TSS whenever you wear tampons.

TSS occurs when certain bacteria multiply and start producing TSST-1 toxins, these toxins enter your bloodstream via vaginal tissues and if you lack immunity they overwhelm the immune system. Tampons are linked to TSS because they allow massive bacterial growth while preventing vaginal cleaning, they also damage vaginal tissues so allowing bacterial toxins into the bloodstream.

You can get TSS whenever you've worn a tampon long enough to allow bacteria to multiply - this includes the first time you use a tampon, in fact many cases of TSS occur when a woman first uses tampons because this is most likely the time she will first come into contact with this toxin.

TSS risks are increased the longer you leave tampons because this means you're giving bacteria longer to build-up and produce these toxins, also if you can wear a tampon for longer than the recommended time without leaking it's likely you've been using too high an absorbency which causes vaginal damage. But again, TSS can occur any time you wear tampons.

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12y ago

I think only if you leave it in for a long time that you will get Toxic shock syndrome. You can't get it the first time unless you use it for too long.

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Q: Do you have to be using tampons for a long time go get Toxic Shock Syndrome or can you get it the first time you use a tampon?
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Why has the incidence of toxic shock syndrome declined?

Toxic shock syndrome most often occurs in menstruating women using highly absorbent tampons. The incidence of toxic shock syndrome has declined markedly since this type of tampon was withdrawn from the market.

What infection can you from using a tampon?

You can get toxic shock syndrome.

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Who is most likely to get toxic shock syndrome?

Women using super-absorbent tampons during menstruation were found to be most likely to get toxic shock syndrome.

How can women protect themselves from getting toxic shock syndrome?

Toxic Shock Syndrome is always a tiny risk when using tampons, though this risk increases if you leave the tampon in for longer than you're supposed to. The general consensus is that around 8 hours is the longest you should leave a tampon in for. Toxic Shock Syndrome can come from leaving your tampon in a lot longer than this. Some ways to protect yourself would be: - Make sure you are keeping track of how long you have your tampon in, i.e. make sure it isn't TOO long. - If your period is light enough, think about using more pads rather than tampons. - Consider switching away from tampons altogether, whether to pads or even to menstrual cups, which are made of silicone and do not expose you to TSS.

Can you get toxic shock syndrome if you sleep with a tampin?

Yes, you can contract Toxic Shock Syndrome any time you use a tampon.Sleeping with a tampon in can increase your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome as;You may not change your tampon often enough (every 4-6 hours).Less blood would flow down into the vagina when you lay down.You need to alternate with pads, overnight is the easiest time for this.

What birth control method carries the risk of toxic shock syndrome?

I only know that tampons can cause this.

What happens in you leave a tampon in for 45 days?

Tampons encourage bacterial growth - the longer a tampon is left the higher the bacterial growth so the higher the risk of vaginal infections and toxic shock syndrome, decomposing menstrual flow will also pose risk of blood poisening.

If you weren't on your period could you use a tampon to get use to it when you are on your period?

No, you can not practice using a tampon unless you are menstruating. If you decide to do this,though, just put it in and take it out as soon as you can because if you leave a tampon in when you are not menstruating the tampon would be left in your body,dry, and would leave bacteria behind which can lead to TSS, toxic shock syndrome. If you dont know what it is, look it up and find out.

What will not put a woman at risk for toxic shock syndrome?

Itis not the biggest deal and is over exagerated. Just make sure that you dobt have your tampon in for longer than eight hours.

What puts woman at risk for toxic shock syndrome?

Tampons. Particularly leaving them in for more than 3 or 4 hours.

How does a woman apply her tampon?

All tampons come with instructions on how to insert the tampon, there are also countless web sites and videos online to show you how to use tampons. Generally speaking tampons are simply inserted into the vagina, it's not complicated at all. The only issue is to remember to use correct absorbency and wash hands before insertion to reduce risks of infections and toxic shock syndrome.