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No, since the car is no longer considered "your" property.

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Q: Do you have to insure a car that has been repossessed?
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Should you continue your insurance coverage for a car that was repossessed?

If it's no longer your vehicle, you don't need to insure it.

When a car is repossessed what do you do with the insurance?

When a car has been repossessed the person paying the insurance should cancel it.

What do you do once your car has been repossessed?

I have a welding machine on the truck they repossessed can they keep that?

How soon can you buy a car after a car has been repossessed?

You can buy a car right after your car has been repossessed. It will however, depend on whether your credit is stable enough to qualify or if you have the cash to pay out of pocket.

In Utah can your wages be garnished for a car that was repossessed?

You do not owe money for a car if it has been repossessed, so your wages can't be garnished for that reason.

Can a cosigner have a car repossessed if the loan has been in arrears?


Do you have to keep your vehicle insured if it is going to be repossessed?

MOst likely your contract calls for you to insure the car. For your own protection, you should contiue the ins. coverage.

What has to happen before a creditor can have your care repossessed?

A car cannot be repossessed until the owner has missed several car payments and the owner has been notified of late payments. In most states a car can be repossessed after three months of non-payment.

How long do you have to redeem your car in California after it has been repossessed?

10 days

How do you know if your car has been repossessed?

Repossessors are supposed to notify law enforcement when they repossess a car.

What happens if you get your car repossessed?

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How can you locate your repossessed car?

Your car was probably repossessed by the lender who owns the car until you pay for it. Call your lender and they will be able to tell you how to locate your repossessed car.