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Q: Do you have to live with the father of your child if you are under age?
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If im under the age of 18 and have a child can you sing legal documents for your child?

not if you're the father.

If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

Do father have to pay child support if child lives on their own with boyfriend?

Usually it deppends on the state that you live in and their laws. In the state that i live in, at the age of 17 the child can move out of the families household and the parents still have to pay for the child's living. that is only if the parents sign a paper so that the child is legally responsible for themselves.

Who is a child in the world?

A child is a juvenile human who is biologically between the age of birth and puberty. That definition can be expanded to include any person who is under the legal age of majority. The United Nations defines a child as a person who is under eighteen or under the age of majority under the law where they live.

What age can your son refuse to stop seeing his father?

It depends on which state you live in. Each state has different rules. I live in Maryland and the age is 12 years old. It is also up to the child on which parent the child desires to live with. The child is allow to choose at age 12 in maryland. Do some research online and check out the age your child has authority in your state.

Can you be pregnant and the father over age go to jail?

The ability to father a child has no relationship to being sent to jail. If you are referring to going to jail because they fathered a child to a minor, it will depend on the laws where they are. If the girl is under the age of consent, it is possible.

If a mother is in jail in CA and minor child is living with Biological father in Michigan at what age can the minor child choose to live with maternal grandmother in Ca?

Age 18. Only Texas has that law.

What age does the child have to be for the father to get equal custody?

There is no minimum age.

How can you help your father get off child support if your under age?

You can't. Child support is court ordered and family services handles payments. The money is to support children your father has produced. It is his obligation to pay the support.

In Florida child support stops at the age of 18 in Puerto Rico the age is 21 if the chilg live Florida and the father in Puerto Rico which law applies?

The law that applies is the law in where the child is. In this case Florida.

If your a under age mother and the father is under age how can you get child support?

I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency. When you get an interview with them, bring all the papers relating to your child support: birth certificates, acknowledgments of paternity, court orders, payment records, etc. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

If a child of legal age still receives child support is that child still considered a minor Assuming the child is in New York where child support ends at 21?

This is an area of interpretation. The child remains under the authority of the court as long as the obligation for support continues, so does this extend to all aspects of the order. I came across a question earlier by a father whose 18 year old daughter wants to live with him in New York. Since she's of the age of majority, does the court have jurisdiction to decide custody, and thus switch the obligation for paying child support from the father to the mother? In that case, the court did accept the motion to change custody, so the issue is being addressed as if the girl was under age 18.