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There is usually a small processing involved in getting the marriage certificate, the amount varies from state to state. Anything beyond that is optional... for example, if you want a church wedding, the church will generally charge a rental fee, the preacher will charge a fee, theres catering, flowers & all that. Of course none of that is really necessary, to be legally married all you really need is the certificate.

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If a friend is doing the marring then yes, but the license will still cost you.

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Q: Do you have to pay to get married?
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No, when married the minor becomes emancipated.

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Whether or not the parents are married, Medicaid will pay for childbirth for low-income persons who meet citizenship and other eligibility requirements.

Do you have to pay child support if you were never married?

Yes. The point is not whether you were married or not but that that is your child you are obligated to care for.

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No, once a minor get married they are emancipated.

How do you get help to pay for your wedding when family and yourself can not?

Get married at a temple.

Can you get married the same day you pay for it?

As long as you are old enough. Yes you can pay for your license and turn around and get married right outside as long as the person officiating the marriage is qualified to do so.