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No you don't have to sign it, but that doesn't mean it won't be valid. If you don't sign it, most likely your spouse's attorney will file for a hearing in front of a judge and the judge will hear evidence and then decided if the divorce is granted.

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Q: Do you have to sign the final judgment of divorce if you do not agree with it?
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Didn't sign divorce papers with your lawyer when filing?

A spouse that does not sign divorce papers will get a default judgment entered against them and the divorce will still happen. You can however contest the default judgment if the court allows you to do so and thinks you have a good reason why you did not sign the papers.

In WA state if the wife does not sign the final divorce papers is the divorce final or are they still married?

In Washington, once the judge approves the final dissolution, that is it.

Do i have to sign for the receipt of divorce papers?

Yes signing it brings you in receipt and liable to agree with the terms of divorce or counter the terms of divorce to what fits your rights.

Does both parties sign divorce papers after judge signs to make it complete?

Yes, both of them has to agree. If not, the divorce cannot be confirmed.

How can you get a divorce if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers in Louisiana?

If you serve your spouse and he/she refuses to sign, you may be able to win your divorce by default. Divorce by default happens when the person served fails to respond to the legal documents.

Where you can find the record to know that if you were divorced?

Answer In the United States you have to sign divorce papers and you usually get a copy once the divorce is final. If you did not file for the divorce you need to find out where it was filed, meaning what jurisdiction - county - state, etc. The courthouse in the jurisdiction where the divorce was filed will have a copy of a final divorce decree.

If my wife is pregnant by someone else but won't sign divorce papers is that grounds for divorce in Arizona?

All US states have no fault divorce laws. No reason is necessary to obtain a divorce than the marriage is done. Regardless of whether one spouse will not sign, the divorce can still be granted as a default judgment, typically by simply motioning the court.

Do both parties have to sign the papers for a divorce to be final in the state of Maryland?

A spouse can refuse to sign the divorce papers for as long as they wish but that does not mean that they wont get divorced. The court simply will not keep a party to a marriage in the marriage arrangement if they do not want to be in it anymore. What happens in these circumstances is that you must attempt to serve the other party (sounds like you have done that) and proceed as if they did and a default divorce judgment will be entered and you will be divorced.

Can you settle a default case out of court?

A divorce can be settled out of court, if both parties agree to the settlement. However a judge will still need to sign the divorce decree to make it legal.

Are you legally divorced if you were never served and your spouse knew about this?

You have to sign the papers == The divorce is not final until it is rendered official (Final Decree) in a court of law.

What is answer and waiver in a Florida divorce?

The answer an waiver is just that, you can answer the complaint and provide the court your side, or if you agree with the divorce you would send in the waiver, and the waiver basically tells the court you don't dispute the case and agree with the proceeding and waive any further notice of proceeding. So if you agree to the divorce, sign the waiver and send in, but if you disagree do not waive your right, because once you do this it is hard to take it back.

Is divorce legal if you didn't sign it?

When the Judge says the degree is final , refusal to sign it makes no difference . If you initiated the action, you must petition the court to drop it .