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Q: Do you have to take cosmetology in high school in order to take it in college?
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Do you have to go to college before beauty school?

A Cosmetology License is required in order to do any type of hair service or assisting a stylist at a salon. You can however, work as a receptionist, help clean up, or assist with product sales.

Can you go straight to cosmetology school after high school?

Yes.Even some high schools offer this an an elective.

How high should your GPA be to get in to a cosmetology college?

i wolud say from 2.5 to 4.0

Do you need to take a high math and science class in high school to go to Cosmetology school?

It depends on the university.

What is before high school?

[In Order] Nursery, Reception, Primary School, High School, College, University - which is actually optional

are there online cosmetology courses?

There are many cosmetology courses available online so long as you have basic knowledge of cosmetology from high school courses. ie. Globe University (Bachelor of Cosmetology Business)

Is there a high school diploma required to become a registered nurse?

Yes, you need to graduate from high school in order to attend college. Once in college, you need to earn a respectable GPA in order to get accepted into Nursing School.

What are some similar high school courses to cosmetology?

It depends on the high school, Some high schools have cosmetology courses and some do not. If cosmetology is a career that you'd want to take you would most likely need to take chemistry, math, English, and a business class. For more information visit the related link.

Did veterinarians have to go to high school and college in order to be one?

Vets must go to high school, college, and receive a degree from a School of Veterinary Medicine after completing their undergraduate degree.

Do you need to gruadute high school to be a cosmotaligist?

Type your answer here... You don't have to graduate high school, but if you don't have your diploma then you will have to get a GED to enroll in a cosmetology school.

Is James Madison High School diploma acceptable for cosmetology school?

Many colleges accept graduates of James Madison High School. Please check with the college of your choice to confirm their acceptance of our nationally and regionally accredited diploma. ... Ambler Beauty Academy, Ambler, PA. American.

Are there any requirements I would need in order to go to cosmetology school?

Cosmetology schools do not have many requirements. Usually a high school diploma or equivalent is all that is needed. For most cosmetolgy schools, no pre-requisites or requirements are needed, besides paying tuition and signing up correctly. Some may require a high school diploma or GED, but others do not even require that.