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No, unless the container he/she is in is small

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Q: Do you have to take the betta fish out when changing the water?
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You showed your betta fish a different fish that wasn't a betta and he like him Now he was chasing him every time he came by him you had to take the other fish out What is wrong?

Betta are social fish. There is nothing wrong.

What to do when your fish fights when your other fish is eating?

Take the Betta out as soon as possible.I have a Betta in my tank with other fish,but he doesnt fight with my fish at all.

Can betta fish jump?

Yes, Betta fish can jump. You can teach them to jump by placing a small amount of food on your finger and when your betta fish is ready, it will jump and take the food off your finger! :)

What are adaptations of a betta fish?

I guess you are referring to the Bettas "Labyrinth" this is a chamber in the skull of the fish that allows it to 'breath' air. This adaptation is what enables the fish to survive in adverse (low Oxygen) water conditions in the wild. When you see a Betta rise to the surface of the water and take a gulp of air he is using his 'labyrinth'.

Do you have to take out the fish when changing the water?

It depends on if you are doing a complete water change or a partial water change. I usually just leave the fish in and siphon off about half of the water than replace the water. The fish get a bit nervous but seem to be fine with being left in the tank. To answer your question: No, you do not have to remove the fish when changing the water.

How much does it take for a betta to accept another fish?

Bettas are dumb as rocks. If you put another betta, any other anabantid like a gourami, or any long-finned fish in with a betta, the betta will fight it because he will think it's another betta. If you put a short-finned fish in with your betta, they'll live together peacefully.

What does it mean when a betta fish blows a bubble nest?

Check this link and I . Basically, it just looks like a load of spit floating in the water (it is, but betta spit.) Some bettas are mouthbrooders, meaning they incubate their eggs in their mouths, like the popular Betta Pugnax.Happy Fishkeeping!I found this link very helpful: is a whole bunch of bubbles at the top of the water. My Betta made a huge bubble nest.

How do you change the water in the bowl for your betta fish?

How to change your Betta fish's bowlFirst, fill a cup with your fishes water, and then gentle without hurting your Betta, scoop him up with your net, and then put him in the cup. Then, take the plant out of the bowl, and lay it aside on a paper towel or napkin. Afterwards, take a strainer, and pour the water into the strainer over a sink. Then, wash out the pebbles with nontoxic soap and water. Put your pebbles aside for now. After you did that, fill your fish bowl with warm water only for 5 seconds. Then, take your sponge, and dip it in the warm water, take the same nontoxic soap you used for the pebbles, and add a little to the sponge, and then scrub! Until the algae is gone. then, rinse thoroughly until the suds are gone. Afterwards, put your plastic plant in your fish bowl, and then, dump your pebbles into the fish bowl. After that has been completed, stick your index finger into the fish's cup water (without hitting the fish!) and run the sink to the same temperature as the cup water, and fill it all most all the way. Gently, pick your Betta fish up with your net and then place him into his nice, clean home!Note:If you have clearifire for your fish bowl, use as directed.

Can you take your betta fish to school?

i have before. and i just kept them in a class room

Are female betta fish easy to take care of?

Yes very easy. Fighters are very hardy fish.

How do we take care of our Betta Fish?

If your betta is in a tank or bowl that is 2.5 gallons or smaller, you should change 100% of the water once a week. If it's a 5 to 10 gallon, then change 50% to 75% of the water each week. Make sure that the new water you add back in is the same temperature of the old water, and use a water conditioner.Your betta only needs to be fed 2 to 3 betta pellets at a time two times per day.

Why is your betta fish changing from gold to black?

Betta fish can naturally change colors, but they can also change to to stress or disease. To prevent stress, feed the right foods and change the tank often. It also helps to have a filter or heater if the water is cold. Make sure not to have bad neighbors for the fish. If you see any ripped fins on the beta, and it has a neighbor, you should take out this neighbor. Also, for the diseases, white spots and red spots are usually diseases. Gold dust could be too.