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no. it shoudl be a combination of genetic factors from your mother's and fathers sides from many many generations until now.

But: Without citing a particular study indicated which genes influence penis size, there's no basis to rule it out. Several male characteristics like hairy ears are inherited on the Y-chromosome from the father, others like baldness and hemophilia on the X-chromosome received from the mother.

I don't know of a study comparing father and son penis sizes.

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3d ago

Penis size is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, so it is possible for a son to have a different penis size than his father. There is no guarantee that a son will inherit the exact same size as his father.

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Natural growth as determined by heredity. In other words, you inherit penis size and growth rate from your parents, just like you inherited your nose size, eye color, and skin pigmentation.

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There is no other method yet other than a good diet of vitamins, zinc, and iron. 2nd Answer: You can keep your penis healthy with a good diet of vitamins, zinc, and iron, but you cannot grow it. You can't. You inherit penis size from your parents, just like you inherit your hair and eye color, shape and size of your nose, ear size and position, finger and toe length, and so forth. There is no pill, diet, exercise or anything other than surgery that can permanently alter penis size. Doctors only perform this surgery if the penis is unusually short, like 1 or 2 inches, erect.

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The size of the penis does not change after puberty, so it will be the same size as it was when you were 20. The average size of an adult male is 5.5 inches, as measured from the top.

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It is all genetic - the size comes from the genes your parents pass on to you.

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From which side is penis size genetic?

Penis size is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some studies suggest that genetics play a role in determining penis size, but it is not solely inherited from one specific side (e.g., mother or father).

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The average penis size in Asian countries is the same as in every other country, about 5.5-6 inches when erect, as measured on the top of the penis.

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No, looking down at your penis does not change its actual size. The angle at which you view it can create an optical illusion, but the size remains the same.