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right to left.

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Q: Do you light the minora from right to left or left to right?
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Do you light a menorah on the right or the left side?

you put the candles in from right to left and you light them from left to right.

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The left turn has right away

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We place the candles from right to left, because one's right hand is more important than his left. But we light from left to right in order to light the newest candle first each night. The newest candle represents that day, while the candles to the right represent the days which have already passed.

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Light on the right is waxing - getting larger. Light on the left is waning - getting smaller.

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The bulb is burned out

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Labia minora is the plural form of labia minus and labia majora is the plural form of labia majus.

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When you face the front of the boat, the left side is the 'port' side and with a red light, the right side is the 'starboard' side with a green light. A boat approaching you from ahead would see your green light on the left and red on the right, the same as you would see his lights. Possible collision ahead!

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its pupil does not react thus not affecting the night vision of the right eye

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You add candles from right to left, but light them from left to right using the shamash (the raised or offset "helper" candle). _________ Most Jews light the candles from right to left.


There is no answer to this as the lights are programmable.