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What reason could it be if there was one?

And why would there be a reason?

Personally, i don't think there is.

Personally I do believe there is (Different user than above)

What if someone was there to hurt you to make you stronger for the next person.

What if someone was there to teach you so you don't hurt yourself

What if someone was there to lift you up because no one else would've been

I can't say for sure this happens but, I believe certain people come into your life at certain times to teach you things. I'm not a religious person but, I do believe in God and a greater force.

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Q: Do you meet people in your life for a reason?
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well you get to meet new people for one reason. XOXO kimmie bob

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The idea that things happen for a reason suggests that events are connected in some way, leading to outcomes determined by various factors. People may find meaning or purpose in these connections, attributing events to fate, divine intervention, or cause and effect. Ultimately, the reason for events occurring can be complex and subjective, influenced by personal beliefs, experiences, and interpretations.

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Hey it's life

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People say that the ones you meet by accident usually wind up being the most important in your life. I know that several people that I have met by accident are very important to me.

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Some people may look outside themselves because they seek validation, approval, or guidance from external sources. They may hope to find purpose, meaning, or direction by exploring different perspectives and experiences beyond their own. External sources can also offer fresh insights, perspectives, and ideas that may help individuals better understand themselves and their place in the world.

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They say you meet somewhere around 9 people in your life who you could marry and be happy with spending your life with.

What is the best reason people had to west in the 1800's?

The best reason for people to move west in the 1800's was to start a new life.

What are the effects of communication on ones life?

everything. comminication is an impotant part of life. you must communicate to meet people, meet lovers find friends, get a job. there are endless benefits of communication. master communications and you can get anywhere in life.

What is the main reason we need to meet people in person?

the main reason, is that you dont know if what theyre telling you about themselves is true, such as appearance.Also, in person, you can see how you vibe with the person.