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Yes you do need a battery because the paper clip is usually used for an alternative for a wire and the paper clip is what the electricity travels through, so yes you do need a battery.

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Q: Do you need a battery to see if a paper clip help light bulbs light?
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Can i light a light bulb with a battery and a paper clip?

Yes, if your battery has the capacity to match the light bulbs requirements. A 1.5volt "AA" battery cannot supply enough power to light a 60watt bulb. A flashlight that uses a single battery will have a bulb small enough to be powered by a small battery and a paper-clip as a conductor. A low voltage LED may also be used. Touch one end of the battery to one terminal on the bulb, and connect the other end of the battery to the other terminal using the clip. (you may find it helpful to use tape to hold it all together)

How do you run electric lights off a battery?

Take a Energizer, Duracell, etc. battery (the bigger the bulb the bigger the battery) and a paper clip. Bend up the paper clip to a pretty straight line, and attach one end to the end of the lightbulb. Attach the other end to one end of the battery, and POOF! Light! If the bulb doesn't come on try attaching the paper clip to the other end of the battery. If it STILL doesn't work, get a bigger battery.

Why using a paper clip to connect the wires will light the light bulb?

because the metal paper clip is conducted and it has energyand that how it lights up

Why using a metal paper clip to connect the wires will light the light bulb?

because the metal paper clip is conducted and it has energyand that how it lights up

Explain why using a metal paper clip to connect to the wire at B will light the light bulb?

The metal paper clip will conduct electricity, so completing the circuit.

What does a battery clip do?

it operates a battery,mostly a 9 volt battery

Service engine light is on in your 1984 eldorado?

Get the code, you can do it with a paper clip because its an OBD-I , just count the flashes the light makes to find out what code is stored. where does paper clip go count flashes were

To how blow a battery?

All ya gotta do is unfold a paper clip, put it on a battery, and wait. Make sure it touches the top and bottom.

Does a spoon conduct electricity?

Easiest way: Go to RadioShack and buy: 12v light bulb and a socket for it with screw terminals 9v battery and battery clip for it The smallest roll of wire they have Two screw-terminal alligator clips Hook this up as follows: Red wire off the battery clip to one screw on the light bulb socket. Put an alligator clip on the black wire Cut off a foot of wire, strip both ends, screw one end to the light bulb socket and the other to the second alligator clip. Install the bulb and battery, and clip the two clips together. Did it light up? If it did, you're ready for the next step. To test the spoon, separate the two alligator clips from each other, and clip the spoon in between them. (You could also just ohm the spoon out with a multimeter, but you need to know how to read one to have that make sense; everyone understands light bulbs.)

Why does the light bulb light when the needle touches a paper clip?

A circuit is complete

How do you make to make the perfect curcuit?

The things you need for your curcuit are: A light bulb, Bell wire, A Battery and a conducter ex. pin, paper clip Attach the bulb together with the battery using the bell wire. With the two ends of the wire connect to the conducter and see if light bulb comes on.

Is the test light supposed to light up when you use the ground from the battery or only light up from the positive side?

If the alligator clip from the test light is attached to the negative post of the battery it will light up whenever the probe end touches a positively charged circuit and likewise if the alligator clip is attached to the positive terminal of the battery the test light will light up when the probe end touches a negatively charged circuit