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well it depends on your condition sorry cant be answered!

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Q: Do you need a doctor's note to have crutches?
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Do you need a doctors note to bring crutches to school if i break my toe?

no as long as you have a cast

Can you get crutches from your doctor?

I can not speak outside my experience but in Utah you can buy them without prescription at pretty much any store that would have such a thing. Such as Walgreen's. I also hear that Walmart may even have them.

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Do you need a doctor's note to bring crutches to school?

That depends on the policies at each school. The best thing to do if you are in doubt is to call your teacher or principal.

Will people with jellyfish stings need crutches?

All people with jellyfish stings to the leg or foot will need crutches

Should you use crutches if you hurt a muscle in your thigh?

that would depend how damaged it is if it is very damaged you would need the crutches, and if it is not that damaged then you wont need it, but it will get worse without crutches

What injuries do you need crutches for?

I'm no positive, but i know ankle, thigh, hip, or foot injuries need crutches on some occations.

How many sick days can you use before you need a doctors note?


Do you need crutches when you have been limping for 3 days straight?

Go see a doctor and they will tell you what is wrong with it and if there is enough damage to need crutches

Do I need a doctor's note for insomnia?

that depends on what for if it involves work or school or other legally binding things your required to do then yes u will need a doctors note

Do you use crutches after bunion surgery?

Sometimes you do, it depends on the kind of cast you get. If the surgery makes you get a hard cast (the ones friends can sign), you need crutches. It you get a cast with a hard bottom, you also need them. The only time you don't need crutches is if the cast is EXTREMELY soft.

Can you ride with crutches on my bike?

Actually using the crutches to ride is difficult, And usually if you need crutches there's something wrong with your legs, and you tend to need those to ride. But assuming that you're still fit enough to operate the bike there's no law against strapping a pair of crutches to the bike to bring them with you.