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Yes you do. Since 2009. Check Dominican website to be sure.

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Q: Do you need a passport leaving puerto rico to dominican republic?
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Is Puerto Rico right ot left from Dominican Republic?

Puerto Rico is to the right of the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic -> Puerto Rico

Is Puerto Rico at east of Dominican Republic?

Yes, Puerto Rico is located to the east of the Dominican Republic.

Can you drive to Dominican republic from the US?

No, you need a passport to get to the Dominican from the United States.

How long is America to the Dominican Republic?

Dominican Republic is in the American's continent too. Next to Florida and Puerto Rico.

Is the Dominican Republic part of the West Indies?

It's the other way, Puerto Rico is east to Dominican Republic.

Which country has more wealth dominican republic or Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico

How do you get to dominican republic from Puerto Rico?

Boat or plane.

What country is closest to Puerto Rico?

Dominican Republic

What is located to the west of Puerto Rico?

The Dominican Republic.

What country is Puerto Rico near?

The Dominican Republic.

What is the closest country to Puerto Rico?

Dominican Republic

What 3 countries speak Spanish in the Caribbean?

Three Spanish speaking countries are Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.