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no dont bleave so just make sure you look at the copyright laws befor doing so

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Q: Do you need a permission from Apple to write a book about Mac OS X?
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Anyone is free to write a work of fiction on the subject of baseball, or any other subject you like.

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You do indeed need permission to write an adapted screenplay. This is to make sure you are following the copy rights.

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Not if you write the stage play from the book but you have to cite it as "based on". If you are using someones stage or screen play you need copyright permisssion

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You would need to contact them through the publisher. You can find that information within the original book, or by getting a copy of Writer's Market.

Can you use excerpts from a book in your book?

No, all books that are published are copyrighted, you will need the permission of the publisher to do this.

If you publish someones name in a book do you need written permission from that person?

Depends who you are writing about! If it's my Mum, then yes! You will need f*****g permission!!

Would you need to ask permission before copying part of this book?

It depends what the book is, how much you need to copy, and what you're copying it for.

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You need a book in the garden to weed, because without a book, you cannot write your future, in this case, have a good harvest.

Is the permission of original author needed to translate a book?

If the book is still protected by copyright, yes, you would need permission to create a derivative work. You will want to agree beforehand as to where the rights in the translation will lie.