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Rocks are not needed for a planted freshwater aquarium.

You need good substrate for the plants though. Gravel might do just fine if they are not too big. Many pet stores sell special substrate for planted aquariums. Eco-complete is one of the better plant substrate with rich in iron and other minerals.

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Q: Do you need special rocks for a planted fresh water aquarium?
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How much does a 55 gallon aquarium weight?

The actual weight of the aquarium itself would depend on the materials used. The rocks in the bottom would add some weight as well. If you want to know how much the water weighs. The mass (weight) of fresh water is about 8.35 pounds per gallon, so that is 459.25 pounds for the water.

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There are pink colored rocks for fish tanks, look in the pet department or go to a store that sells aquarium supplies. Craft stores usually have colored rocks.

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The special features of a cave is the water from the inside and the cave walls which protect the outside of the cave also one of the special features of a cave is how many rocks they are they are the three main rocks and they are the Igneous,metamorphic and sediementry, these three rocks are the main ones but they are many more rocks but not as good as these three special rocks.

Can guppies be in a tank with glow rocks and plants?

Why should they not? Of course they can but why on earth you would want obviously artificial 'Glow Rocks' in a naturally beautifull aquarium beats me.

What are an abiotic factor in fresh water ecosystems?

Rocks and sand.