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Might be time to get a tank divider to separate them. Although, typically, mollies don't eat tetras usually unless they are fry.

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Q: Do you need to feed your mollies more to stop eating tetras?
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Related questions

How often sould you feed neon tetras?

One or two times a day. Depending on how many fish you have. If you have more than five, feed them two times a day.

How do you stop goldfish eating snails?

feed it more often

Do mollies eat mollies in my fish tank l had 2 mollies and 1 disappeared and I added more mollies and guppies and another mollie has disappeared?

Members of Poecillidae, mollies included, only eat each other if the others are babies, or dead. But most likely, he jumped out.

Are tetras fighting fish?

No, tetras of the same type tend to school together, although some tetras are know to be a bit more aggressive than others.

Can a Siamese fighter live with mollies?

I don't recommend it. Mollies can get larger than a Betta (Siamese Fighting Fish) and be far more bullish than a Betta. A Betta could easily get beaten up by Mollies! Mollies need a minimum of 20 US gallons anyway.

Are neon tetras cannibalistic?

No. If I understand your question then they are not. They may feed on dead of the same species, but will not kill them and eat them. That would be more of a survival cannibalism than purely cannibalism. Given enough food of a better source they would eat that first.

Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?

No, Neon Tetras and Goldfish do not belong in the same tank. Goldfish prefer cold water, while Tetras are more of a tropical fish.

How do mollys look?

mollies are a breed of fish, so there is a variety of mollies including the black lyretail molly, the ballon molly and the dalmation molly. But all mollies have pointed noses and their underbelly curves down but their back is more straight. Male mollies are bigger and thinner compared to female mollies. If you look near its stomach it will have longer fins compared to female.

Do tetras lay eggs?

Tetras lay eggs. only you lay eggs if you are a girl!

Is there a way to make neon tetras more active swimmers?


What sort of aquarium fish are there?

Mollies, tetras, south African cichlids, African cichlids, wags, gold fish, beta fish, placo's, catfish, guppies, kois, goriamies, theres a lot more but I dont have the time to list them. Go to your local pet store, if they sell aquariums and fish, they should be much more familiar with all the different types than I am.

What tropical fish can live with betas?

Most tetras get along very well with tropical community fish such as guppies, platies, and mollies. Depending on the size of the tetra, you may also be able to put some of the more docile semi-agressives in there as well. To be safe, avoid putting anything in your tank that can fit your tetras in it's mouth.