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Otherwise healthy adults, teens and children over 10 only need a single vaccination for the flu to be fully protected. After about 2 weeks from the time of the vaccination you will be protected. Younger children need a series of two flu vaccinations, usually given a month apart. After around another 2 weeks from the time of the second vaccination, they are protected. Babies under 6 months old do not have immune systems mature enough to get vaccinated for the flu.

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Q: Do you need to get a flu vaccination again in 90 days?
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Had swine flu vaccine last march do you need it again?

It is early February 2010, so it is not too late now to get a seasonal flu shot if you have not had one for the 2009 - 2010 flu season. The seasonal flu shot protects against three more types of flu viruses. With the seasonal shot and the swine flu H1N1 vaccinations, you will be protected against the four types of flu that have been prevalent this season.

Are you fully vaccinated after having one Swine Flu vaccination last year or do you need it annually?

One H1N1/09 "Swine Flu" vaccination was determined to be enough in the 2009 clinical trials of the brand new vaccine for the brand new virus. If you had the vaccination it will provide immunity for life to that particular virus. If the virus mutates into a strain that is much different from the one in the prior vaccine, then there may be a need for a new vaccine for the newly formed virus. So far, that has not happened. You need a seasonal flu shot annually because of the problem with the easy mutations of flu viruses. In the 2010-2011 flu season, the vaccine for the swine flu is included with the other vaccines in the seasonal flu vaccinations, so if you did not get the separate shot last year, this year you will get lifetime immunity from that exact type of flu in the "regular" flu vaccination. (It won't hurt and might help to get that vaccine again).

How long does immunization against Swine Flu last I was inoculated last year does it cover this year also?

Immunization from a vaccination or from having had that exact type of flu will give you lifetime immunity. However, because viruses tend to mutate into other kinds of flu, your body may not recognize the germs as the same and then you would need protection from the new mutated virus, too. The 2010-2011 seasonal flu vaccination in the US contains the H1N1/09 vaccine along with vaccine for two other kinds of flu. If you had the swine flu vaccine last season, then it will not hurt you to take the vaccine again when you get the seasonal flu vaccination and it might help.

Can you get more than one flu vaccine a year?

Usually you only need a single vaccination each flu season since the seasonal flu vaccination contains vaccine against the three mostly likely types of flu to be circulating during that season. In the pandemic of H1N1 in 2009, two vaccinations were needed, one for the three types of seasonal flu and one for H1N1/09 "swine flu." In the 2010-2011 flu season, the H1N1 vaccine is included with two other flu virus vaccines to make up the seasonal flu vaccination. If you had the swine flu vaccine in 2009, it won't hurt to have it again in the seasonal flu vaccination. If another new flu virus is found to have developed, then, like in the 2009 pandemic, vaccines for the new flu virus may be produced in time to be taken, but not in time to be included in the seasonal flu shot as one of the three virus vaccines. Then, a second vaccination for the new flu may be required as it was in the 2009 - 2010 flu season of the pandemic. Other than the potential sore arm, it won't hurt to have flu vaccines more than once for most people. Ask a doctor, pharmacist, or the clinician delivering the vaccination for advice before the vaccine is given.

What if you have been exposed and did not have a flu shot?

You may get the flu. Next year get the flu vaccination.

My dad is sick with the flu the aching fever version I have been around him a lot BUT i got the flu vaccination So what are the EXACT chances of me getting the flu?

about 1 percent. It is rare to get the flu with the vaccination.

Where can you get a Swine Flu shot?

In the US in the 2012-2013 flu season, the H1N1/09 swine flu vaccine is included once again in the "regular" trivalent and quadravalent vaccines that have been prepared for the seasonal flu. No separate vaccination is needed.

How do you know if you have had Swine Flu?

Unless you were tested when you were ill, there is really no way to know for sure which type of flu you may have had. If you were not tested at the time, to be sure you have immunity to the swine flu, it is advised that you get a vaccination. It will not hurt you if you already had the same flu, and it can prevent another illness if the flu you had was a different strain. For best protection from the flu during the 2009-2010 flu season, get both a swine flu vaccination and a seasonal flu vaccination.

What is a good use of swine flu?

A good use of the swine flu virus is to use it in a preventive vaccine so people who get the flu vaccination are safe from suffering the illness. Get your flu vaccination right away for the 2013-2014 flu season!

Can or should you still get the vaccine if you have already had the Swine Flu?

Yes. For the 2010-2011 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, the seasonal flu vaccination will include the vaccine for H1N1 (Swine Flu) along with the two other flu viruses that are anticipated to be prevalent this year. So only one flu vaccination is needed for this flu season. You can still take it even if you had the H1N1/09 flu vaccination last year or if you had the flu last year. It will not hurt to get it again and it will be the most recent strain of that virus, so in case the one you had was slightly different, this one will protect you from it, too.

If you are exposed to H1N1 09 Swine Flu and then days later get vaccinated will you get the flu?

It is possible that if you are exposed to the swine flu H1N1/09 virus before getting vaccinated for the same flu virus, you could still get the flu. It will not be because you took the vaccine that you would have the flu, however, it would only be because you did not get the vaccine in time to prevent the flu from the prior exposure. The vaccine does not work as soon as you get it. It can take 8 to 10 days for the body to develop the immunity in children over ten and adults who are otherwise healthy (longer in younger children and infants and in those who have compromised immune systems). So, since the incubation period for the swine flu is estimated to be around 4 days (most estimations are from 1 - 7 days), it is possible that you may get the flu from a prior exposure before the vaccine can be effective in protecting you.

Has anyone died from the vaccination for swine flu?
