

Do you need to pay child support when child is 18?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It depends on your state law and support order. In some cases you must pay support while the child is in school, even past 18 years old.

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Q: Do you need to pay child support when child is 18?
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Do you have to pay back child support to child when paternity was proven after 18?

No and you pay the support to the parent not the kid. If the child is 18 there is no longer a need for child support. If someone has been paying for you and believed they were the father they can sue you for the money though.

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do u have to pay child support when the child is still in school at the age of 18

If one child is 15 and lives with mom and the other child is 18 and lives with dad Does the dad have to pay child support for the 15 year old?

Yes, the father will need to pay child support in order to support his child. You are responsible for supporting your child until they reach the age of 18.

Do you still have to keep paying child support after 18 and if shes moved out and working?

No. Once that child is 18, he/she is considered an adult and no longer a child. Once they are 18, and graduated from high school, you no longer need to pay for child support. It does not matter if he/she is working and moved out. You do not need to pay any more.

How long do you have to pay child support in the state of Nebraska?

In the state of Nebraska, you will have to pay child support under your child reaches 18 years of age. Once they turn 18, you should make sure that your child will not need more support but you are not required by law to help them.

How long do you pay child support in ala?

I think no matter where you are you pay child support until the child is 18

Do you have to pay child support at age 18?

A person who is a citizen of the United States will be required to pay child support at age 18. Child support must also be paid until the child reaches the age of 18.

Are you required to pay child support for children in the military?

Legally you have to be 18 to enter into the armed forces of your own volition meaning you wouldn't have to pay child support since the child is 18, and child support stops at 18.

Do you still have to pay child support if child is 18 and going college in CA?

No, at 18 your child is legally an adult and is no longer your dependant, so you do not have to pay support.

If a child 18 years old leaves the custodial parent and moves with the NCP can a child support case be started?

no the child is already 18 then they are legally an adult and the parent doesnt need to pay child support

When does Ohio child support end if child goes to college?

you have to pay child support as long as your child is under 18 years of age

How long do you pay child support in Newfoundland?

Apparently, you pay child support until the child or children reaches the age of 18 .