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Two, actually. If the Pope finds that you did in fact make those miracles, he will proclaim you a saint.

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Q: Do you need to perform a miracle to become a saint?
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How many miracles do you need to perform to become a saint?

For beatification, the candidate needs one miracle and for canonization one additional miracle must be proven. However, the pope may dispense with a miracle, especially in the case of martyrdom.

What miracle did Saint Elizabeth perform?

There are many, many saints named Elizabeth so you need to be more specific if you wish a specific answer.

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Our Lady's only known Miracle is the Virginal Conception Of Christ.

How does a saint perform a miracle?

Saints don't perform miracles. Only God can perform miracles. However, saints are in Heaven and stand before the throne of God. Therefore, they are in a position to ask God to intevene on the behalf of someone on earth in need who has requested the favor of them through prayer.

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There are a number of saints named Catherine so you need to be more specific.

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Saint James, also known as James the Greater, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He preached the Gospel in Spain and was martyred in Jerusalem. His relics were later transferred to Compostela, Spain, where the city of Santiago de Compostela was built in his honor. Over time, he became venerated as a saint due to his role in spreading Christianity and his martyrdom.

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There are dozens of saints named Augustine. You need to be specific.

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Saint Teresa of Avila is not known for performing specific miracles, but is recognized for her profound spirituality and teachings on prayer. She experienced mystical visions and had a deep connection with God, which inspired many followers to grow in their own faith and relationship with God.

Where did Saint Francis become a saint?

There are a number of saints named Francis so you need to be specific.

Do you need to be martyred to become a saint?

No. Most saints are not martyrs.

How did Saint Ignatius become a saint?

Which Saint Ignatius? There are several.

What day did Saint Elizabeth become a saint?

Which Saint Elizabeth were you referring to? There are many. We would need a specific name to give you a specific answer.