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Saints don't perform miracles. Only God can perform miracles. However, saints are in Heaven and stand before the throne of God. Therefore, they are in a position to ask God to intevene on the behalf of someone on earth in need who has requested the favor of them through prayer.

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Q: How does a saint perform a miracle?
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How can a saint make a miracle?

A saint has no power to perform a miracle. Only God can do that. However, a saint is in a position to request a miracle from God. That is why people pray to the saints.

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There is no reference to any miracles performed by Saint Lucy.

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She is a dancer, not a saint.

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No believer nor any saint has the power to perform miracles. However, sometimes God chooses to perform a miracle through the intercession of a saint or believer.

Why is Mary MacKillop becoming a saint?

To be beatified (the first step on the way to becoming a saint) you have to perform one miracle. To become a saint you have to perform another miracle. Long after Mary MacKillop's death she cured a women of leukemia and later cured another women of inoperable brain cancer.

Do you need to perform a miracle to become a saint?

Two, actually. If the Pope finds that you did in fact make those miracles, he will proclaim you a saint.

What miracle did Saint Elizabeth perform?

There are many, many saints named Elizabeth so you need to be more specific if you wish a specific answer.

Does a saint perform a miracle or does God grant a miracle through intercession?

In Catholic belief, saints do not perform miracles themselves but are believed to intercede on behalf of individuals to God, who grants the miracle as a sign of divine intervention. Saints are seen as powerful advocates whose prayers can help bring about miracles in response to the needs and intentions of believers.

How many miracles do you need to perform to become a saint?

For beatification, the candidate needs one miracle and for canonization one additional miracle must be proven. However, the pope may dispense with a miracle, especially in the case of martyrdom.

Did saint Isaac perform a miracle?

Isaac Jogues is not remembered as a great miracle worker. He is remembered as a missionary who died as a martyr while trying to Christianize Native Americans. St. Isaac Jogues was canonized a saint because he was martyred for the faith and lived an exemplary life. No miracles were attributed to him.

How can someone actually be more than Christian?

People can be more than a Christian by becoming a saint. To become a saint you have to perform a miracle or very large religious deed during you lifetime. after your death the pope may recognise you as a saint for whatever it was you did.